Page 304 - Foundations
P. 304
More than four thousand years after the Babylonians ascended their ziggurats to worship Semiramis
as the Queen of Heaven, we find that people in Mexico are doing the same. Ascending the largest
ziggurat in Mesoamerica, they enter this Roman Catholic church to pray before an image of the Queen
of Heaven. The church is called “Church of Our Lady of Remedies,” being built by the Spanish in
1594. Could anyone other than Satan have inspired such a work? Satan has perpetuated the idolatry
of Babylon throughout all the ages of man, and across every continent.
Great Pyramid of Cholula with Cutaway Showing Structure Beneath the Roman Church
Through the agency of the Roman Catholic Church, the Freemasons, the Illuminati, and numerous
other organizations, Satan has kept alive the rebellion and idolatry of Babylon. The tower builders
of Babylon are still with us today. So too are the esoteric teachings of Babylon present to this very
hour. Satan has always placed men into positions of power and influence who would keep alive the
dream of building Babylon upon the earth once more. The common phrase used in this day to refer
to Babylon reborn is the New World Order. In fact, it is a very old world order. The goal of the New
World Order is to institute a single world government, a single currency, and a single world religion