Page 307 - Foundations
P. 307

Scripture that Noah’s flood occurred in the year 1656 from Adam, and that Peleg was born in the year
               1758 from Adam. Peleg lived 239 years, and we are told the earth was divided during his life. We can
               say conclusively that the scriptures allow for the Tower of Babel to have been founded in the year
               1776. We cannot confidently assert that the Tower of Babel was founded in that year. Certain
               evidence, however, does point to this year for the founding of Babel’s tower.

               Man’s lifespan is such that no man living can claim to have firsthand knowledge of when the Tower
               of Babel was constructed. Neither do we have any extant historical record of the date of this event.
               The Bible gets us very close to the date, but it does not establish the date. Satan, however, can lay
               claim to having been present to observe the laying of the first stones of that tower. It was surely a day
               of celebration among the fallen angels who rebelled against God. For on this date all mankind united
               as one in defiance of Yahweh to build that which stood as a sign of their independence from the rule
               of God.

               Is it not a remarkable parallel that 1,776 years from the date of the Second Adam, who is Christ, that
               mankind united once more to declare their independence and their right to rule themselves? The new
               nation that was inaugurated on that day would come to bear the name UNITED States. What God had
               divided, man chose to bring back into ONE union. It is significant that the Great Seal with the
               pyramid is found only one the ONE dollar bill. The message on this instrument of world currency is
               that of the rebuilding of Babel, bringing all mankind into ONE cohesive unit.

               The number 1 appears no less than ten times on the reverse side of the one dollar bill. The largest
               writing on any denomination of America’s printed money is the large word “ONE” in the center of
               the image above. At Babel the men were all of ONE language and intent on ONE purpose. They were
               UNITED in defiance of Yahweh. On this bill there are THIRTEEN courses of stones on the pyramid.
               There are THIRTEEN stars above the eagle’s head. There are THIRTEEN arrows in the eagle’s
               talons. There are THIRTEEN leaves on the branch grasped by the eagle. There are THIRTEEN letters
               in the words ANNUIT COEPTIS (interpreted as “God favors our undertaking”). It should be obvious
               that the “GOD” referenced on this unit of monetary exchange is NOT Jesus Christ/Yahshua the
               Messiah, nor is it Yahweh His Father. The “GOD” referenced by all of this Babylonian imagery is

               II Corinthians 4:4
               The god of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that they might not see the
               light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
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