Page 305 - Foundations
P. 305
that are all under the aegis of Satan. Lucifer is the architect and power behind the New World Order
even as he was the inspiration for Babel. It was he who inspired men to build a tower in defiance of
Yahweh. It was he who stirred up the pride in fallen humanity, tempting them to choose their own
rule and authority, casting off the rule of Yahweh.
The current rulers of this world system present an appearance of being modern thinkers who have cast
aside the backward beliefs of stone age religion. They declare themselves to be “scientific” in their
approach to the world, and in their ideas for creating a new secular order (Novus Ordo Seclorum).
This is mere facade. It is a masquerade. Beneath the thin veneer of their pretentiousness, those whom
Satan has chosen to be captains of industry and rulers of nations are adepts in the oldest of humanity’s
idolatrous religions. They have embraced the rebellion of Satan, and worship the dark lord as the
bringer of light. They have adopted the symbols and beliefs of ancient Babel.
Great Seal of the United States as it appears on U.S. Currency
It is interesting to note that the top is missing from the Great Pyramid of Giza, and it is missing in the
image of the pyramid on the Great Seal. This gives the pyramid a flat top like that of a ziggurat. It
would be here that the temple for the idol would be found. There are thirteen courses of stones
forming the pyramid on the Great Seal, thirteen being the number of rebellion in the Scriptures. Also,
we find the number 1776 in Roman numerals written across the lowest course of stones. This being
the foundation level, the number corresponds to the year in which the foundation for Babel was laid.
Most students of what are described as “conspiracy theories” understand that the number 1776 on the
Great Seal has a dual meaning. It is the year in which the Declaration of Independence was signed by
America’s founding fathers. It is also the year in which the Bavarian Illuminati was established by
Adam Weishaupt. These events occurring in the same year are hardly coincidental. Satan is able to
guide the events of human history, and he very evidently chose for both of these key events in the
resurrection of Babylon among the nations to occur in the same year. A question I have pondered is
“Why did Satan choose for this work to be accomplished in the year 1776?”
Reflection upon this matter led me to consider whether there was a connection to the founding of the
original city of Babel and its tower. Although the Bible does not tell us the year in which the people
located to the plain of Shinar and began the construction of Babel and its tower, we can look at the
genealogies found in Genesis and see that it is quite possible that the foundation of that first tower