Page 308 - Foundations
P. 308

The United States plays a central role in Satan’s schemes to resurrect Babel upon this earth. The
               UNITED States is the reversing of Yahweh’s judgment at Babel. A people scattered across the world
               are drawn back into one place, into the great melting pot where the diverse tongues, tribes, and
               nations of men are amalgamated into ONE. The United States would become the location for the next
               union of man, the UNITED Nations. The U.N. was formed in October of 1945. This was 156 years
               after the first U.S. government was seated in the year 1789. 156 is (12 x 13). In the Scriptures the
               number 12 denotes government, and the number 13 denotes rebellion. Not coincidentally, the United
               States began as the union of 13 states, and to this date there are 13 stripes on the U.S. flag. America
               was born in an act of rebellion, declaring her independence. For a truly Biblical view of America’s
               founding as a nation, see the book Dragon Flood.


               What I am seeking to emphasize is that Satan has never abandoned his plan to establish Babel upon
               the earth. He desires to establish a one world government that defies God. It will be a government that
               follows Satan’s example of rebellion toward divine authority.

               Revelation 13:3-6
               And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast; and they worshiped the dragon,
               because he gave his authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the
               beast, and who is able to wage war with him?" And there was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant
               words and blasphemies; and authority to act for forty-two months was given to him. And he opened
               his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle, that is, those who
               dwell in heaven.

               In imitation of God, Satan does all his works according to design. He has certain numbers and
               symbols that permeate his wicked plans. He has never conceded defeat, and has not altered his plans.
               These plans to unite all humanity under his rule, a rule that is rebellious to Yahweh, was first
               observed after the flood at Babel. Babel remains central to the plans of Satan today. I would suggest
               the possibility that the foundation of the original Tower of Babel was laid in the year 1776 from
               Adam’s creation. I would further posit that the foundations for the second Babylon were laid in the
               year 1776 from the Second Adam, who is Christ (I Corinthians 15:45). Symbolically, Satan chose a
               man named Adam to play an instrumental role in laying the groundwork for the New World Order
               in the year 1776 A.D.. This man was Adam Weishaupt. Symbolically, in Satan’s twisted thinking, this
               man was the third Adam, and the perfected man, for he gave himself wholly to accomplishing the will
               of Satan and bringing forth a one world rule upon the earth.

               On September 11 , 2001 the World Trade Towers in New York City were destroyed. The media and
               government presented a deceptive account suggesting that they were brought down by two planes
               commandeered by men who used box cutters to hijack the airplanes. In truth, the towers were brought
               down by the shadow government of this fallen world system. It was a planned destruction, on a date
               specifically chosen, to usher in the final stages of Satan’s plan to create a New World Order (aka
               Babylon). On May 10, 2013 the replacement tower reached its full height of 1,776 feet as the final
               piece of the spire atop the building was put in place. The building is schedule to open this year, 2014,
               thirteen years after the previous towers were destroyed.
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