Page 53 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 53

ahead would hold if I devoted my life to serving a God who would not, or could not, meet
               my needs. The prospect was horrendous. I decided that I would rather die of diabetes than
               to spend the rest of my life not knowing whether God would be there for me in my hour of
               greatest  need. Life  to  me  was  not  worth  living  if  God  could  not  be  trusted.  The  only
               fulfillment and satisfaction I could envision in life was in entrusting myself to a heavenly
               Father who genuinely cared for me and who would not abandon me when I placed my life
               in His hands. How unbearable it seemed to me to serve a God I could not trust.
                     The day arrived when I could cancel health insurance with my employer, and none of
               the pressures arrayed against me had been removed. In this instance God would once more
               require obedience before His provision would be manifested. I went to the office and filled
               out the paperwork to cancel health insurance on my entire family. In my soul I was still
               experiencing some trouble, but in my spirit there was peace. I knew no censure in my spirit
               from the Lord. I sensed not a hint of guilt, or conviction of disobedience. The peace of God
               was ruling within my spirit man and leading me to understand His will.
                     I was very overweight at this time, being nearly 280 pounds. I had tried on numerous
               occasions to lose weight without success, but after canceling my health insurance the
               pounds began melting away with little effort at all. Over the next few months my weight
               dropped to 235 and all the symptoms of diabetes disappeared. No longer was I constantly
               thirsty. I began sleeping through the night again. My blurred vision and dizziness went
               away. The Lord brought a complete healing to me from the disease of diabetes.
                     It was in December of 1998 that I canceled this health insurance, and my family and
               I have been relying upon God to be our health ever since. It is now over five years later and
               the symptoms of diabetes have not returned, nor have any of our family members needed
               a doctor’s care, or a hospital visit, in this time.
                     In the preceding chapter I spoke of God healing my son Josiah from Osteogenesis
               Imperfecta. Some time after we had taken this step of faith with my son, I went into his
               room and I noticed his name plaque hanging on the wall. We had bought this plaque many
               years before, but I had never noticed the meaning it attributed to the name Josiah. Directly
               underneath the name Josiah were the words, “Jehovah Heals.”
                     God has not only proven Himself to be the health and healing of my son, but of our
               entire family. God has led us into this part of our inheritance called “Yawheh Rophe”  -
               Yahweh our Healer, and we have found that it is a good land. There were enemies that had
               to be driven out, but God promised to go before us, and He testified that the battle belonged
               to Him. We needed only to enter in by faith.
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