Page 58 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 58

Follow Your Dreams

                    nce Yahweh begins to lead us into the land of our inheritance, the road leads ever
               Oonward. We must go from faith to faith, ever trusting the Lord for a further victory until
               all the enemies are driven out and we are dwelling securely in the land of promise. Though
               God may give us a time of respite, He will not allow us to sit upon our lees for long. He
               declares “Woe to those who are at ease in Zion.” God did not allow us to become too
               comfortable in the land we had already taken possession of, the land of Yahweh Rophe,
               before He began calling us to go in and possess the next portion of our inheritance. The next
               area in which God wanted to prove Himself to us was the area of financial provision.
                     I had been working at the Houston Healthcare Complex in Warner Robins, Georgia
               for fourteen years. I had worked my way into a very good position, which was a dream job
               for me. I had been fascinated by computers since the early 1980's, and I had for some time
               wanted a job working with PC’s. God provided this job for me by having a position created
               where none had existed before. I had been hesitant to take the job, for as much as I desired
               to work with PC’s, I was intimidated by the demands and responsibilities of such a position.
               The Spirit led me to take the job, however, and after I had been in it for some time the Spirit
               spoke to me.
                     I had arrived early at work this day and was sitting at my desk. I heard the voice of the
               Spirit ask me, “You really wanted to work with PC’s, didn’t you?” I replied, “Yes Lord, I did.”
               The Spirit continued, “Although you were worried about your ability to handle this job, I
               have made you adequate in every situation, haven’t I?” I answered “Yes,” for this was
               certainly true. On numerous occasions when some PC problem had stumped me, I would
               be led of the Spirit to do a certain thing and the problem would be corrected. This made me
               look very good and competent in the eyes of others, but it was actually God solving the
               problem, and not me.
                     The Spirit then asked me, “As much as you wanted to work with PC’s, this really has
               not been your greatest desire, has it?” I paused for a moment and thought, then I answered,
               “No Lord. From my youth on up I have wanted to be a minister, but I have felt even more
               inadequate for that calling than for the job I am doing now.” The Spirit then said, “This job
               has merely been preparation for a higher calling. I wanted to show you that when I call you
               to do something, I will be your adequacy, giving you what you need to stand in every
               situation.” The Spirit ended the conversation by speaking to me two things that were not
               found in Scripture, but coming from the Spirit they became truth in my heart. The first
               thing was a slogan that was popular at the time which states, “Do not let your fears keep you
               from your dreams.” The second was an ancient oriental proverb, “The journey of a thousand
               miles begins with the first step.”
                     The conversation then ended, and I was left to my thoughts. I had already been
               ordained as a minister, and was serving the body of Christ on a part-time basis. I was still
               going out to the church building and praying regularly, and I was preaching and teaching
               when I was given opportunities. Yet I had never given myself to ministry full-time, and this
               is what I understood the Spirit to be speaking about.
                     Over the next weeks I began to experience a restlessness within me regarding my
               current job. What had been a dream job was beginning to seem less appealing to me. At the
               same time I began to experience a greater yearning to enter into ministry to the body of
               Christ in a fuller way than I had known. God was once more leading me by changing my
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