Page 57 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 57

year I heard that Richard was still going for treatments and had not yet been cured of his
               chronic back problems. It amazed me that he could not wait upon God for two months, yet
               he was continuing to wait upon man’s healing after several years of treatment.
                     The Holy Spirit inspired men to record the lives of Asa and David for the benefit of the
               saints today. We are to learn from their successes and failures. The Scriptures declare that
               “without faith it is impossible to please God.” The need to walk by faith is just as much a
               requirement for the children of God today as it was for the patriarchs, prophets, kings, and
               priests of old. Only those who walk by faith will enter into the good land before them. Those
               who refuse to walk by faith will perish in the wilderness.
                     I have great empathy for those who struggle with fears and worries and unbelief, for
               these have also been my enemies. I have found God to be greater than all these things, and
               His grace has been sufficient to allow us to remain standing when many enemies have
               gathered around us. Sadly, like King Asa, the response of many who have received reproof,
               correction, or admonition from those whom God has sent to direct them back to a path of
               faith, has been to become angry and to act violently toward the messenger. Ultimately, I was
               to be cast out from my place of ministry among this body due to my unwillingness to turn
               aside from the path of obedience God had set before me.
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