Page 49 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 49

bones, so He gave you medical benefits for that child.” This, however, was not what I was
               discerning in the spirit. I believed God had orchestrated this matter to demonstrate to me
               that when we lean on the arm of man we will have to depend upon that which we place our
               trust in. He was speaking to me that if I would cancel all SSI health benefits on my son that
               He would become his source of health, and He would heal Josiah even as He had healed my
                     Man offered no cure for this bone disease. All man could do was patch my son up
               every time he hurt himself. I much preferred that God should heal Josiah, than that I should
               receive free medical care every time he injured himself. To the natural mind what God was
               asking us to do seemed like pure folly. Josiah was freshly out of a cast, and had experienced
               two fractures that year. These government SSI benefits were hard to get, and many people
               employed the use of lawyers to attain them. Yet we were to cancel our benefits on Josiah
               and then trust God to heal him.
                     I knew this was the way God worked, for He had already revealed to me the principle
               of placing your feet firmly in the water before seeing His provision. God gave us one more
               encouragement in this matter. Our finances were fairly tight, and I would be losing about
               $400 a month in income. At this time the ministers of Living Faith had come to me and said
               that the Spirit had indicated that they were to ordain me as an elder and pastor among
               them, and they offered to pay me $100 dollars a week.
                     I really did not struggle much in making this decision, for I had a strong witness of
               what God had spoken to me. When I shared these things with Tony she also was willing, so
               we took the step of calling the SSI offices and canceling Josiah’s benefits. The SSI staff could
               not understand why we would turn down these coveted benefits, and they tried to talk Tony
               and I into delaying our decision. We were adamant, however, knowing what God required
               of us. We terminated benefits on our son.
                     When I was praying about this matter, the Lord told me that I would not need to baby
               my son. I felt that I was to instruct Josiah to ride bikes, play on trampolines, roughhouse
               with the boys, and play ball, while trusting God to protect him. I had to coax my wife some
               in this, for she was still leery of his injuring himself, but I believed God would prove Himself
               faithful in what He had spoken to me. I had asked Him to let my son play as other young
               boys did, and I trusted Him to keep Josiah safe in all of these activities.
                     Josiah is now fourteen years old, and he has not broken another bone. Kristin also has
               remained break  free during this time. I have seen Josiah take some terrible spills on
               bicycles, which would have certainly resulted in fractures before, but he has come away with
               only scrapes and bruises. When I think of what God has done for my son my eyes well up
               with tears. Our Father in heaven is so merciful and compassionate to us. When we ask for
               bread, He will not give us a stone. When we ask for a fish, He will not give us a serpent.
                     God will ask us to do things that appear risky, or even downright foolish, to the
               natural mind. He has always done so with His children. He requires faith to be manifested
               on our part before He will reveal His provision. Great are the rewards for those who believe.
               It was not to be long before God would lead us to a greater dependence upon Him in the
               area of health, and we would once more see Him do awesome things.
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