Page 50 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 50

God is Our Health

                   here was a real atmosphere of excitement and anticipation at this church called Living
               TFaith  when  we  first  began  attending there.  The  praise and  worship  was  fresh  and
               heartfelt, and the teaching and preaching was challenging. There was an expectation that
               God was going to lead the body into ever increasing experiences of His presence, and into
               the blessings that come to those who walk by faith.
                     There was one minister at this body who received all of his financial support from the
               church, and there were a couple others who were bi-vocational, receiving a limited support
               for their ministry. There was much talk among them about walking by faith, and my hopes
               were exceedingly high that this church would succeed where the last one had failed.
                     The ministers would go off once a year with their wives to a cabin in the mountains
               of North Georgia to have a time of fellowship, prayer and sharing about God’s vision for the
               body. My family and I had been attending here for about six months when the ministers
               went off on one of their annual retreats. They asked me to preach while they were gone, and
               they had asked some of the young people to lead in the praise and worship.
                     The Spirit gave me as the subject of my first message at this church the matter of
               stepping out in faith, and I used the Scripture of the priests placing their feet in the water’s
               of the Jordan as my basic text. The time of praise and worship preceded the message, and
               the last song the youth led the congregation of believers in was “Step Into the Water.” This
               was not arranged between us, for we had not spoken to one another prior to this gathering,
               but it was a witness to me of God’s desire for this message to be preached, and for the
               people to walk in the reality of it.
                     When the ministers arrived back from their retreat they shared with me that the Spirit
               had revealed to them that I was to be ordained as a minister among them. As I shared
               previously, they also agreed to pay me $100 a week, and it was at this time that God
               indicated He would heal my son, and that I was to cancel all his government SSI benefits.
               I did not realize it at the time, but God had arranged for my first act as a minister at this
               body to be stepping into the waters myself, and to thereby provide an example of faith for
               other’s to follow.
                     God’s voice was rich to me at this time, and He revealed that He wanted to lead the
               body of Christ into their inheritance. As I have already shared, He revealed that His names
               described the inheritance of the saints, for He is that good land of promise that is set before
               us. David understood this, and he wrote of it in one of his Psalms of praise and worship to

                       Psalms 16:5-6
                       Yawheh is the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You support my lot. The lines
                       have fallen to me in pleasant places; indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me.

                     David used an allegory that looked back to the time that the Israelites cast lots to see
               which tribe would receive the various portions of the land that had been surveyed. The lines
               had already been drawn up and a map made, and all that remained was to cast the lot to see
               what portion each family would receive. David, of course, had not been born when this
               event occurred, for it was hundreds of years earlier. Using a poetic allusion to this event, he
               said that when the lot was cast for him to receive his portion, that God supported his lot and
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