Page 51 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 51

gave him the very best part of all. God gave David Himself as his inheritance.
                     David actually describes the priestly inheritance that went to the Tribe of Levi, for God
               said they would not receive an inheritance of land, for God was their inheritance. David
               chose for himself this priestly inheritance, preferring God to all other worldly possessions.
                     As the Spirit spoke to me of this, He revealed that He wanted to lead the body of Christ
               into their inheritance, and that He would do so one portion at a time. I was made to
               understand that at Living Faith the first two areas He would lead us in to possess were
               Yawheh Rophe - Yahweh our healer, and Yahweh Yireh - Yahweh our provider.
                     The way that God leads us into our inheritance is the same way He led the children of
               Israel into their possessions. We must do battle. There are enemies in the land, and they
               must be driven out. We must take a stand in this land of promise, and defend the plot of
               land. As Paul said:

                       Ephesians 6:13
                       Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the
                       evil day, and having done all, to stand.

                     God showed us as a family where He wanted us to stand, and the first place was to
               trust Him for Josiah’s healing. Before another six months went by, the Spirit was speaking
               to me of the next place He wanted us to stand. He wanted me to trust Him next for the
               health of my entire family. He spoke to me and said, “I have been your son’s source of
               healing, now I want you to trust Me for your entire family.” I was working at a local hospital
               at this time, and I had excellent health insurance at very affordable rates. We had used this
               insurance often, and now God was asking us to give it up and look to Him to be our source
               of health.
                     I understood that as a minister to the body of Christ that what God was asking me to
               do was to provide an example that others might follow Him wherever He would lead them.
               What He was requiring of us was not for our family alone, but for an example to the
               children of God. I shared with my wife what God was speaking to me by His Spirit, and she
               was not at all pleased with this. She had a lot of fear, and she expressed many worries about
               what we would do if someone in our family became sick or injured. My only reply was that
               we would have to trust God to meet every need.
                     I determined to cancel my health insurance, and Tony after a struggle agreed. When
               I went to the office at work where such matters are handled, I was told that there was only
               one opportunity a year to make changes to benefits, and it was in the month of December.
               December was several months away, so I told the Lord that when the date arrived I would
               do as He had instructed me.
                     As we walk with the Lord and see Him prove His faithfulness before us, He will ask
               us to do things that are progressively more challenging. God leads us on into ever increasing
               acts of trust and reliance upon Him, and He will allow the situations to become more
               difficult with each passing test. This increased difficulty is not given to torment us, but to
               produce a greater faith in us, which is a very precious thing in God’s sight.

                       I Peter 1:6-7
                       In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have
                       been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious
                       than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in
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