Page 54 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 54

A Failure of Faith

                   t the same time that Yahweh was leading our family to steps of faith, and proving
               AHimself to be a faithful Father, He was bringing many others in this body at Living Faith
               to face similar challenges. Health problems abounded in this church, and each crisis of
               health was an opportunity to press into the Lord. The saints must hear from Him in order
               to know what He requires, that the victory might be attained and the good land possessed.
                     The head pastor at this fellowship of believers was named Richard, and he began
               setting aside a time during each service to call all those who were sick, or injured, to come
               forward for prayer. On some days half the congregation would come forward, and Richard
               himself was seeking the Lord for healing from a chronic back problem that robbed him of
               strength and severely limited his activities. There was a real sense among the leadership of
               the church that God wanted to reveal Himself as healer to the body. Perhaps the most
               common work ascribed to Yahshua in the gospels is healing. He also bestowed authority
               upon His disciples that they might heal.
                     Richard shared that he was having his wife lay hands on his back every day and pray
               for healing, and they were both patiently looking to the Lord in this matter. Every Sunday
               he was also calling all who were sick to come to the front of the church to receive prayer.
               This continued for about two months. Then Richard announced to some members of the
               church that he had heard of a new therapy offered by some doctors in Illinois for people
               who had physical problems similar to his. The way he had heard about this new treatment
               seemed unusual to him, and he took this as a sign that God wanted him to check into this
                     I did not say anything immediately to Richard about this, but I felt a great concern in
               my spirit. I had recently done a study on the medical profession, focusing on the symbol of
               the medical staff, or caduceus, which is pictured as a rod with entwined serpents upon it.
               I traced this symbol back to ancient Egypt, and I found many things that were impure
               relating to the medical profession and its practices. What was most troubling, however, was
               that so many men and women placed such trust in man’s resources for healing, while not
               even considering that God could, or would heal them. A very large percentage of those who
               professed faith in Christ would not even consult with God to find out what His will was for
               them when they experienced injury or sickness. The Spirit led me to the following passage
               of Scripture.

                       II Chronicles 16:12
                       In the thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa became diseased in his feet. His disease was
                       severe, yet even in his disease he did not seek Yahweh, but the physicians.

                     There is a judgment in these words. King Asa acted foolishly by not seeking Yahweh.
               If you read the entire story of Asa’s life you will find that he began in faith. Early on he
               trusted God and saw God deliver him from his enemies with a great and spectacular victory.
               At some point, however, Asa began to trust in that which his eyes could see. Years later
               when he was faced with another enemy, he hired the sword of foreigners to provide him
               protection and deliverance. God sent a prophet to rebuke him for not trusting Him as he
               had  done  previously,  yet  Asa  rejected  the  prophet’s  words  and  mistreated  him.  The
               Scriptures record the following concerning this event:
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