Page 55 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 55

II Chronicles 16:9-10
                       "For the eyes of Yahweh move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly
                       support  those  whose  heart  is  completely  His.  You  have  acted  foolishly  in  this.
                       Indeed, from now on you will surely have wars." Then Asa was angry with the seer
                       and put him in prison, for he was enraged at him for this.

                     At the end of his life Asa still was looking to the hand of man for all of his needs, and
               preferred to trust in physicians rather than to seek God for healing. Asa did not turn to God
               even when the physicians could not heal him.
                     I know I must be very plain in what I say here, lest some twist and distort my meaning.
               I am not saying that God will never use physicians as a source of healing in our lives, nor
               was  Asa  criticized  by  God  because  he  obtained  the  services  of  a  physician. The  error
               manifested by Asa, and by a multitude of saints, is that he failed to seek God in the matter.
               Asa never even considered that God might heal him, so He never sought out God to know
               His mind.
                     Many saints today never give a thought to God’s ability, or willingness, to heal them.
               When they are faced with an injury or sickness they run immediately to the arms of the
               physicians. Some men and women trust the physicians so completely that they will allow
               them to cut off a limb, fill their body with toxic chemicals, bombard them with deadly
               radiation, operate on, or remove, some part of a major organ, or perform some other risky
               and potentially life threatening procedure, without ever seeking a witness from God.
                     Is it not a great sign of unbelief that Christian’s will not seek God when they are met
               with a physical trial? The prophet declared that King Asa was acting in unbelief, and was
               dishonoring Yahweh by completely bypassing Him as a source of deliverance and healing,
               while preferring to trust in man. The words of the prophet have become a theme in my life
               that I have quoted many times, and have often recited them to God in prayer.
                     “The eyes of Yahweh move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly
               support those whose heart is completely His.”
                     Oftentimes when I discerned that the Spirit would have me cast myself wholly over
               into God’s care, and there was some great risk involved, I would meditate on these words
               and I would be comforted in knowing that Yahweh was searching earnestly for those who
               would give their hearts completely to Him.
                     I was very concerned when I first heard that Richard was going to seek the physicians.
               I knew he had grown impatient in waiting upon God, and his confidence that God would do
               anything for him was weak. Richard shared more about this matter when he was gathered
               together with the other ministers and their wives in my home. He told us, that as a minister,
               he  could  receive this  medical treatment  free,  and  that  the  physicians performing  this
               procedure had set-up a clinic in the basement of a church. He told us this clinic was located
               in Thebes, Illinois.
                     When Richard mentioned Thebes, the Spirit quickened me to go get my dictionary and
               look up the name of this town. My dictionary gave the following definition, “The capital of
               ancient Egypt in the period of its greatest glory.” I had previously shared my study on the
               medical profession, and the caduceus, with Richard and the other ministers, and they
               understood Egypt’s link to both the Caduceus, as well as its Biblical typology of representing
               the systems of man and all those who rely upon the arm of the flesh.
                     I shared with these men that I did not believe this was God’s provision for Richard’s
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