Page 66 - Sarah's Children
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revealed truths of God. There were many others and I would have earned frequent
               flyer miles for attending elders’ meetings, if there were such a thing. In none of my
               efforts, however, did I ever see the leadership of the church change in even the least
               way. I became a pariah to different congregations and I found myself leaving more
               than one body frustrated and disillusioned.

               When I experienced these separations I was very torn. I had a zeal to walk in truth
               and it grieved me when churches chose tradition, human reasoning, or their own
               ways, over the ways of Yahweh. Yet something was nagging at the back of my mind
               telling me that these separations could be handled differently, but I had no clue as
               to what I should do differently. I was often reflecting on Yahshua’s high priestly
               prayer recorded in John 17 where He prayed that we would be one, even as He and
               the Father were one. Yet I could not reconcile my zeal for truth and this oneness.

               I continued in this state for about a whole decade, and my frustration grew. When
               I was in my early thirties, and married for some time, I once more found myself in
               a situation where I was very active in a body, and I was discerning some grave errors
               that the church leaders were making. My wife became caught up in it this time, for
               a couple she was very close to were being badly treated by the pastor of this church.
               They were the music ministers of this body and they lived in a house the church
               owned. The pastor had aspirations to start a counseling ministry and he considered
               that their home would be the ideal location, precipitating this couple being run off
               so their house would be vacated. (Of course, it wasn’t as simple as this, and there
               were faults on many sides.)

               My wife became so distraught that she no longer wanted to attend this church. My
               own words to the elders and pastor were rejected and I too was not entirely desirous
               to stay. I asked permission of the elders to leave, in order that my wife and I could
               get  some  emotional  distance  and  better  hear  from  the  Father.  We  were  given
               permission, yet in my heart I neither had peace about staying or leaving. My wife and
               I ended up leaving for a period of six months, and during that time in 1993 the
               Father revealed some profound things to me that have changed the course of my life.

               During this time of separation from the body a brother gave me a copy of Watchman
               Nee’s book “Spiritual Authority.” Little did this brother realize how profound an
               impact that book would have on my life. As I read the book the Spirit quickened
               passage after passage and I began to see scriptures fall into place like dominoes
               falling in a long chain. I knew that something critical that I had been missing was
               being revealed to me, and that the Father had waited until I was so conflicted and
               hungry for understanding that I would receive what He wanted to show me. Happily
               I received His instruction and correction.

               Watchman Nee states, “Authority is a tremendous thing in the universe - nothing
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