Page 61 - Sarah's Children
P. 61

For a woman to build her house she must be wise in her choice of words. One
               careless remark can undo months, or even years, of prudent speech. It does not take
               much leaven to thoroughly leaven a lump of dough. It does not take but a little
               saltwater to spoil a fresh water source.

               When one sets out to instill honor in their home they must be consistent in their
               speech. They should not demonstrate a submissive and humble spirit one day, and
               rebellion and pride the next. You do not want your house built with some good
               lumber and some rotten.

               The tongue  is  the chief tool of a wise  woman who  will  build  her house. Like a
               hammer, it is skillfully used when it is applied to what needs nailing, and it is
               likewise skillfully used when you don’t use it to strike that which should not be
               struck. Many are the women who are going around knocking holes in the walls of
               their home. They have not yet learned the power of restraining their speech.

               In order to build honor into your home you must choose carefully your words. You
               must begin the practice of setting a guard over your lips. If you are in the habit of
               letting everything inside come out freely, then when you are in a moment of anger
               or fear you will find it difficult to hold back words that you will later regret. However,
               if you have already learned the discipline of the tongue then such moments will not
               catch you unprepared.

               If this is an area that you experience difficulty in, then ask Yahweh to teach you
               obedience in it. Ask Him to instruct you in how to set a guard over your lips. Ask Him
               to make your lips a fountain of love and honor. Then you will truly find that you are
               a homemaker, building something that will withstand all the assaults of life.
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