Page 71 - Sarah's Children
P. 71

correction of them. Take all the time You need to bring them to obedience and

               My own calling to intercessory prayer took off at this point and what had once been
               a labor became a passion. I began to pray that Father would give me His heart to pray
               for others. I asked that I would know His heart and feel His emotion for those I
               prayed for. I longed for these times of prayer before the Father. I relished these
               times. They were the highlights of my life.

               Immediately after Father gave me this understanding of authority, the gift of writing
               that had lain dormant came alive within me. For years I knew I had a calling to write,
               yet I was able to bring nothing forth. I attempted to walk in this ministry many times,
               and I would write pages and pages. At the end, however, I would read what I had
               written and I sensed no anointing upon the words. I sensed no approval from the
               Spirit, even when I knew what I had written was correct. Over and over, I would end
               up trashing what I had labored on.

               Immediately after I came rightly under authority, Father opened up this area of my
               life. I sat down to write a piece of correspondence to a minister of another church
               who had counseled me during my time of separation and, as I wrote, out flowed an
               article that I had not even intended to write. This article is the very earliest writing
               upon which I recognized the seal and approval of the Spirit. The writing had an
               anointing on it, and it was distributed among many churches at the time.

               Father gave me understanding of why I was now released to write. He told me that
               He could not advance anyone in the kingdom who did not know and practice His
               principles of government and submission to authority. Once I learned these things
               and began to walk in them He was able to bring me into my calling.

               I  cannot  stress  how  vital  this  topic  is.  Let  me  share  a  few  more  words  from
               Watchman Nee’s book.

                       Please take note that Satan is not afraid of our preaching the word of
                       Christ, yet how  very much in fear he is of our being subject to the
                       authority of Christ. Never should we who serve God serve according to
                       the principle of Satan.

                       We preach the gospel in order to bring men into God’s authority, but
                       how  can  we  establish  God’s  authority  on  earth  if  we  have  not  met
                       [understood] authority?

                       The  controversy  of  the  universe  is  centered  on  who  shall  have  the
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