Page 70 - Sarah's Children
P. 70

and speaking words against leadership. Some are actively rebelling and calling for
               removal  of  a  pastor  they  do  not  like.  Others  seek  to  split  congregations,  being
               factious and submissive to no one. It is the rarest of saints that looks to God to
               correct a wrong authority. Like Ham, the churches broadcast the nakedness and
               shame of those in authority over them.

               Father spoke to me and said that if He could find a person in submission, and
               bearing up courageously under a wrong authority, that He would move heaven and
               earth  on  their  behalf.  He  would  correct  the  wrong  authority  and  restore  godly

               In my own situation, I went back with my wife and met with the pastor. I shared with
               him  what  the  Father  had  revealed  to  me,  and  how  I  had  been  thinking  I  was
               advocating the doctrines of Christ, yet I had been practicing the principle of Satan
               which is rebellion. This pastor graciously forgave me and then told me that if I
               wanted to share anything with the body on Sunday regarding this, that I could.

               Sunday came and I was given the opportunity to address the whole body. I shared
               the same with them, confessing that I had been practicing the principle of rebellion
               when I thought myself in agreement with the purposes of Christ. I was given great
               grace to share, feeling no embarrassment, being greatly aided by the Spirit, and the
               people were visibly moved.

               Father honored my attitude of submission, and this pastor who was in sin and who
               had been at this church for 14 years, suddenly resigned. Thus Father removed the
               wrong authority because He had found one who would look to Him to correct the
               leader who was disobedient.

               For another three years Father told me to walk in the place of the submissive wife
               and to not open my mouth saying anything good or bad to the church elders. He told
               me I was to pray for them. For three years I did not attend a single elders’ meeting.
               I prayed for these men and for the body.

               At first I was still focused on the sins of those in leadership, and they were not
               walking by faith, nor by the leading of the Spirit. I prayed that God would fix them
               or remove them that the body would not be hindered. Father stopped me abruptly,
               however. He said, “If you are going to pray for these men as I asked you to, then you
               must pray according to My will and desire for them.” He then asked me, “Do you
               know how long I have longed to correct some things in your life? By the judgment
               that you judge others, you shall be judged.”

               Needless to say, my prayers changed immediately. I began to pray, “Father, have
               mercy on these men. Father, be patient with these men. Father be gentle in your
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