Page 69 - Sarah's Children
P. 69

endure it, this finds favor with God. In the same way, you wives, be
                       submissive  to  your  own  husbands  so  that  even  if  any  of  them  are
                       disobedient  to  the  word,  they  may  be  won  without  a  word  by  the
                       behavior of their wives, as  they  observe  your chaste and respectful

               Father told me that, as I had no place of authority yet in the church, I was to be as the
               wife of which Peter spoke. I was to be submissive to those over me in authority, and
               when the occasion came that I found them to be in sin, I was to let them be won
               without a word, with my behavior remaining respectful and chaste.

               The principle is this: if a woman has a husband who is disobedient to the word of
               God  then  she  has  two  options.  She  can  correct  him  herself,  telling  him  of  his
               transgression,  and  possibly  persisting  in  speaking  of  it  to  him  until  she  sees  a
               change.  If  she  chooses  this  course  then  Father  will  remove  His  hand  from  the
               husband and He will delay in correcting him for there is rebellion in the house.
               However, if the woman understands that Yahweh will correct those whom He places
               in positions of authority, and if she will refrain from speaking to the husband and
               correcting him, if she will instead trust that God will correct him, then Yahweh will
               act decidedly to bring correction to the husband. This latter course is the only way
               to maintain peace in the household when the husband is in sin and the wife discerns
               it. For her to put out her hand to bring correction will loose striving and conflict in
               the household.

               Father showed me that this same principle is at work in the body of Christ. When I
               would discern that there was error in leadership, it had been my habit to tell them
               of their error. I would stretch out my hand to offer correction. I was not malicious in
               this, but the principle I was following was wrong. Authority must always be corrected
               from above, not from those beneath. Father showed me clearly the course set before
               me. He told me to go back to the church I had left and to apologize to those in
               leadership for my actions, even though the pastor was still in sin. He told me to offer
               no correction to the leaders, nor to even open my mouth regarding anything they
               were doing. I was to say nothing good or bad. I was to trust Father to deal with the
               wrong authority.

               Yahweh assured me that if He found one saint so submitted in this way that He
               would assuredly deal with the wrong authority. He revealed to me that the reason
               there was so much wrong and sinful authority in the body was that He could find no
               one under these authorities who was truly submitted. Because there was rebellion
               in the house He delayed to correct the wrong authorities.

               Churches are full of rebellion. The members of the body are constantly going around
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