Page 67 - Sarah's Children
P. 67

overshadows it. It is therefore imperative for us who desire to serve God to know the
               authority of God.” He further states, “To offend God’s authority is a rebellion far
               more serious than that of offending God’s holiness. Since it is a matter of conduct,
               sinning is more easily forgiven than rebellion, the latter being a matter of principle.
               Satan’s intent of setting his throne above the throne of God was the thing that
               violated God’s authority; it was the principle of self-exaltation... In serving God we
               must not violate authorities, because to do so is a principle of Satan. How can we
               preach Christ according to Satan’s principle? Yet it is possible in our work to stand
               with Christ in doctrine, while at the same time stand with Satan in principle.”

               This is exactly what the Father showed me that I had been doing. In my zeal for the
               truth I had been standing with Christ in doctrine. I loved the truths Father was
               revealing to me. I desired to see them walked in. I desired to see error eschewed. I
               longed for the benefits of seeing the children of God walking in the truth. Yet Father
               showed me that my approach of contending with the church authorities over these
               issues  of  doctrine  was  in  actuality  practicing  the  principle  of  Satan,  which  is

               How my eyes were opened when I saw this. I understood that as it says in Romans
               13, “Let every soul be in subjection to the higher powers: for there is no power but
               of God; and the powers that be are ordained of God. Therefore he that resists the
               power,  withstands  the  ordinance  of  God:  and  they  that  withstand  shall  receive
               judgment  to  themselves....  Wherefore  ye  must  needs  be  in  subjection,  not  only
               because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake.”

               As I read through this book, and as I studied the scriptures, I came to comprehend
               the principles of God’s authority and our right response to all authorities, including
               those  in  the  church.  God  never  honors  rebellion  in  any  form.  Rebellion  is  the
               principle of Satan. Submission is the perfect principle of Christ. Even when people
               are under ungodly authorities, the Father never honors those who lift their hands,
               or wag their tongues against those authorities. David is a case in point.

               David was subject to the ungodly authority of King Saul. David was completely
               faithful in the discharge of his duties, and he never failed in loyalty to Saul. Even
               when Saul sought repeatedly to kill David, and even when Saul killed the priests of
               God, David refused to lift a finger against him. David was presented opportunities
               to strike Saul, even when Saul was in the process of seeking to take David’s life. Yet
               David said, “Who can lift his hand against God’s anointed and remain guiltless?”

               When David had opportunity to slay Saul in the cave, he instead merely cut off the
               corner of Saul’s garment. Yet even for this small act we are told that “David’s heart
               smote him” and he repented of it. Watchman Nee states that cutting off the corner
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