Page 63 - Sarah's Children
P. 63

so too must Christ. Yet it is  given  only to the woman to wear  a  symbol of this
               authority upon her head. The woman alone is given the privilege of standing as a
               visible testimony to the government of God. In practice woman is to have no head
               of her own before man, man is to have no head of his own before Christ, and Christ
               is to have no head of His own before the Father.

               I think I can best bring insight to this matter as I relate my own experience of coming
               to understand the government of Yahweh. Let me begin by sharing how the Father
               led me to a life changing understanding in 1993. From that date forward the course
               of my life has been altered as the revelations I have gained have brought me both a
               tremendous peace born of understanding what Father requires of me, as well as
               bringing me into tremendous conflict with those who have not discerned these same
               things. Ultimately I was ousted from my place of ministry in the mainstream church
               because Father would not allow me to compromise the truths He had revealed to me,
               but this separation was also of the Father and He continues to use it in various and
               magnificent ways.

               I came to salvation in Yahshua when I was a child, being baptized at the age of ten.
               My upbringing was largely in Baptist churches, first in Oregon, and later in Georgia.
               I experienced a tremendous awakening to the things of God when I was in my mid
               to late teens, and I was very zealous for truth. I sought diligently to know the will of
               the Father and to walk in it. Often my zeal was not according to knowledge, and I
               knew much personal failure and frustration as I sought to walk in a manner pleasing
               to God.

               From my teen years I was very active in the activities of the Christian church. I was
               in attendance every time the door was opened, and from my late teens I was involved
               in teaching Sunday School, participating in prayer meetings, and doing door-to-door
               visitation. This was an incredible thing, since I had grown up with a tremendous
               sense of inadequacy and low esteem. As a youth I would rarely look people in the
               eyes when I spoke to them due to my feelings of unworthiness and timidity. It was
               just an overwhelming desire to please the Father that led me to participate in things
               of which I was mortally terrified, such as door-to-door evangelism.

               I was involved in churches that often asked me to perform some service, and I was
               eager to comply. I was constantly searching the scriptures to see if I could discern the
               will of the Father for myself and for the churches of which I was a part. I would
               frequently see things that would cause me to question why the church was doing
               certain things. As the churches I attended had an open door policy when the elders
               were meeting, I would often show up to ask them why we were doing some particular
               thing. I must have been a source of irritation to many men who were set on doing
               things because it was a tradition handed down by men.
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