Page 68 - Sarah's Children
P. 68

of the garment may not be as serious as murdering someone, but in the church it can
               be equated to murmuring against an authority, or speaking against them to others.
               Our hearts should convict us in these matters.

               David always sought to cover the transgressions of Saul. He even wept for him, and
               sang a song eulogizing him when he heard he had been slain. When others thought
               they would win David’s favor by stating that they had been instrumental in Saul’s
               death, David had them put to death, being condemned by their own words.

               Another example of covering the sins of one in authority is when Noah became drunk
               and fell asleep while naked in his tent. His son Ham failed to see the dignity of the
               authority of his father and he went out and reported his fathers ugliness to his
               brothers. “When Ham saw his father’s improper conduct he did not have the slightest
               sense of shame or sorrow, nor did he try to cover his father’s fault. This reveals that
               he had a rebellious spirit.” Shem and Japheth, however, managed the situation quite
               differently. They entered the tent backwards - thus avoiding seeing their father’s
               nakedness - and they covered their father with a garment they had laid on their

               We are told by Paul that “love covers a multitude of sins.” Yet how common it is to
               revile those in positions of authority when we see them in error. We should be
               grieved for them, and we should seek to cover their transgressions and to ask the
               Father to restore them to righteousness.

               My own error was not so much being a spreader of slander or gossip, nor being a
               malcontent seeking to expose the sins of another. My failure was in not seeing how
               the Father would have me to address the situation of seeing a leader in sin. My
               response had been to consistently go to them and to tell them of their error. The
               Father spoke strongly to me and showed me that my proper response was found in
               trusting Him to deal with a wrong authority. The testimony of all of scripture is that
               Yahweh will vindicate Himself. He both establishes authorities, and He disciplines
               and even removes authorities that sin against Him. He does not ask for those under
               authority to correct those over them, for this leads to rebellion.

               Father particularly gave me the following passage as my pattern.

                       I Peter 2:18-3:2
                       Servants, be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to
                       those who are good and gentle, but also to those who are unreasonable.
                       For this finds favor, if for the sake of conscience toward God a man
                       bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly. For what credit is
                       there  if,  when  you  sin  and  are  harshly  treated,  you  endure  it  with
                       patience? But if when you do what is right and suffer for it you patiently
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