Page 61 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 61

Chapter 9 - He has Promised Us the Victory

                       verything  we  have  looked  at  thus  far  in  this  book  is  a  necessary  part  of
                   Eovercoming addiction. There is nothing we have addressed that can be skipped
                   over. Let us review what we have observed to this point.

                          ·      All men are born under the dominion of sin, and by ourselves we will
                          never be free.
                          ·      Sin  has  caused  a  separation  between  God  and  man,  and  this
                          separation results in darkness and death entering our being.
                          ·      Sin  cannot  simply  be  forgiven,  it  must  be  atoned  for,  and  this
                          atonement is only accomplished by the shedding of blood.
                          ·      The Son of God came to offer Himself as Yahweh’s Passover Lamb.
                          By His death, and through His shed blood, our sins are forgiven and the
                          breach between God and man is repaired.
                          ·      Salvation is two parts. It includes the forgiveness of sin, as well as
                          the impartation of divine life into our being through the Holy Spirit. As we
                          receive the life of Christ into our being, we are empowered to live a life of
                          victory over all sin.
                          ·      We are Christians if we have been born again of the Spirit of Christ.
                          This Spirit then begins to lead us in all things. We must follow the Spirit
                          wherever He leads, as well as wait upon Him when He tarries, or we will
                          find ourselves separated from the presence of God once more.
                          ·      To grow as spiritual creatures into the image of Christ, we must feed
                          upon that which God sends us. The Scriptures, and the indwelling Spirit,
                          serve to reveal Christ to us. As we behold Him we are transformed into His

                         As we have seen, the history of Israel coming out of bondage to slavery in
                   Egypt, their wilderness journeys, and their conquest of the land of Canaan are all
                   given as “types of us.” These things were written for our instruction, and we can
                   find the way to overcoming every addictive desire, and achieve victory over every
                   sin as we combine understanding with faith and obedience.
                         The  account  of  this  portion  of  Israel’s  history  reveals  both  the  causes  for
                   Christians failing today, as well as the way to attain victory. Israel’s call to take
                   possession  of  the  land  of  Canaan  serves  as  a  parable  of  the  Christian  taking
                   possession  of  the  land  of  their  flesh.  Consider  the  following  parallels  between
                   Israel’s accomplishments and the Christian’s calling.
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