Page 60 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 60

activity while despising the latter. However, if a person has truly been born again
                   of the Spirit they will find that there is something deep inside them that is drawn
                   to these latter pursuits, and which finds them highly satisfying. Even so, the child
                   of  God  must  rule  over  the  desires  and  passions  of  the  flesh.  They  must  wrest
                   control of their body away from the flesh, and allow the spirit man to rule. The
                   apostle Paul put it this way:

                          Galatians 5:16-17, 24-25
                          But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the
                          flesh. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against
                          the  flesh;  for  these  are  in  opposition  to  one  another...  Now  those  who
                          belong  to  Christ  Yahshua  have  crucified  the  flesh  with  its  passions  and
                          desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.

                         You and I will only “LIVE” as we are surrendered to the Spirit of Christ. As
                   this chapter has indicated, there are very practical things to be done to promote
                   this spiritual life. We must rule over our appetites. We must choose to eat from
                   Yahweh’s table, and ONLY from His table. In this way we will be assured that the
                   old man who is enslaved to sin is diminishing, and the new creature in Christ is
                   increasing. You are what you eat, so feed upon Christ!
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