Page 63 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 63

Therefore Pilate said to Him, "So You are a king?" Yahshua answered, "You
                          say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have
                          come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth
                          hears My voice."

                         Every kingdom has a king. The king can only be said to truly be ruling over
                   his kingdom if everything in the kingdom has been brought under subjection to
                   his rule. Since the kingdom of Christ is within mankind, all who would be a part of
                   this kingdom must bring everything within them under the rule of the Son of God.
                   Yahshua made this very plain in the following words.

                          Matthew 7:21
                          “Not  everyone  who  says  to  Me,  ‘Lord,  Lord,'  will  enter  the  kingdom  of
                          heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.”

                         Christ’s words are quite clear. We cannot enter into the Kingdom of God by a
                   mere profession of faith. Words alone are insufficient. We must do the will of God
                   in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He only rules those who are submitting
                   themselves to Him for obedience. Anyone who claims allegiance to God, but fails
                   to do His will, has no part in His kingdom.

                          Luke 6:46-47
                          “And why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?”

                         Christ’s  question  here  reveals  how  easily  men  and  women  are  deceived.
                   Many do not do the will of Christ, but they call Him ‘Lord.’ Are they not deceived
                   when they do so? Yet Christ is not deceived. He knows those who are His.
                         Even as much of the Old Testament is focused upon the natural nation of
                   Israel as a type of the Kingdom of God, so is the New Testament focused upon the
                   establishment of a kingdom. One day every knee will bow before Christ, and every
                   tongue confess Him as Lord, but there will be no reward for those who resist His
                   kingdom  in  this  present  age.  It  is  only  now  that  we  can  come  and  freely  offer
                   ourselves to Him for obedience and attain a reward.
                         Many battles must be fought, and hardships endured, in order to establish
                   the Kingdom of God in these pieces of earth which we occupy. Our Lord is not
                   unjust that He would not reward those who fight valiantly for His kingdom. The
                   magnificent part of this whole matter is that Yahshua has so taken up the side of
                   those who would follow Him into battle, that all who obey Him will come forth as
                   victors. There is no possibility that we will be unable to conquer any foe. There is
                   no chance that those who obey Christ will not be able to completely subdue every
                   enemy in the land of their flesh. He has promised us the victory!
                         We  see  this  promise  of  victory  over  every  sinful  passion  and  desire  that
                   resides in our flesh foreshadowed in Yahweh’s words to Joshua as he prepared to
                   embark on the conquest of the land of Canaan.
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