Page 65 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 65

Christ through baptism, that even as He arose from the dead, so too will they. Our
                   mortal bodies will be raised to life through the power of Christ.
                         How  much  of  a  resurrection  is  promised? Will  we  only  be  able  to  bring  a
                   portion of our being into subjection to the rule of God the Father? Will we be freed
                   of  some  sins,  while  remaining  captive  to  others?  No!  God  has  promised  us  a
                   complete  victory.  This  is  not  some  promise  that  will  only  be  attained  when  we
                   leave  this  sinful  flesh  and  ascend into  heaven. This  is  a  promise  given  to  all  of
                   God’s children now.

                          Romans 6:4
                          Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so
                          that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so
                          we too might walk in newness of life.

                         How  much  of  Christ  was  raised  from  the  dead? Did  any  part  of  His  body
                   remain behind in the tomb? Of course not. So we too are promised that we might
                   walk in a similar newness of life. The Scriptures declare that even as we were once
                   ruled over by sin, even more so will divine life now reign in our members through
                   Yahshua the Christ.

                          Romans 5:17
                          For  if  by  the  transgression  of  the  one  (speaking  of  Adam’s  sin),  death
                          reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of
                          grace  and  of  the  gift  of  righteousness  will  reign  in  life  through  the  One,
                          Yahshua Christ.

                         It  is  vitally  important  that  we  believe  the  testimony  of  Scripture  in  this
                   matter. We must believe that because God is for us, no enemy in the land of our
                   flesh can stand against us. If we do not believe this to be true, we will not be able
                   to conquer every addiction. Unbelief will prevent us from bringing all things inside
                   our  beings  into  captivity  to  the  rule  of  Christ.  We  see  this  fact  proven  clearly
                   through the failure of the Israelites.
                         Do you think there is any enemy in the land of your flesh that God cannot
                   conquer? Do you think there is any sin He will not give you victory over if you
                   follow Him? Our confession reveals what is in our hearts. I have heard many men
                   and women confess that some addictive desire, or some stronghold of the flesh,
                   such as anger or lust or fear, was too great. They had no hope of being able to
                   overcome these things, for they had experienced many defeats against these foes
                   in the past.
                         If a person is not a partaker  of  the  Spirit of Christ, then they are right to
                   doubt that they will achieve victory. But a Christian should never anticipate defeat.
                   Yahshua has already defeated every enemy. He was tempted in all ways as we are,
                   yet without sin. He now wants to lead us forth into battle with these same enemies
                   as He demonstrates to us His power in laying all our foes beneath our feet. After
                   Christ has brought us to victory over every enemy within, He will then lead us to
                   victory over every enemy without. He will even place Satan under our feet.
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