Page 59 - Overcoming Addiction
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that  those  who  keep  themselves  set  apart  unto  God  may  eat.  We  read  later  in
                   Scripture that David took some of this holy bread and ate it, even though he was
                   not from the tribe of Levi. Yet God allowed this for David was a man after God’s
                         Feeding on the word of God, and beholding the face of God, are therefore
                   intertwined. The Christian begins to take on the glory of the Lord as He feeds on
                   the  word  and  beholds  the  presence of  Christ.  Conversely,  if  we  spend our  time
                   pursuing the things of the world, and setting impurity before our faces, we will
                   take on the image of that which occupies our minds. The apostle Paul wrote:

                          II Corinthians 3:18
                          But  we  all,  looking  on  the  glory  of  the  Lord,  with  unveiled  face,  are
                          transformed according to the same image from glory to glory, even as by
                          the Lord the Spirit.
                          [Darby Bible]

                         It  is  not  just  by  reading  the  Bible  that  we  are  transformed.  We  are  also
                   transformed  as  we  commune  with  Christ  through  the  indwelling  Spirit.  We  are
                   called to be temples of the Spirit of Christ, and our bodies are to serve as a house
                   of  prayer.  In  these  bodies  we  are  to  abide  with  Christ,  dwelling  with  Him  in
                   fellowship and communion. This is not as mysterious as it may sound. It is simply
                   an acknowledgment that we dwell in the body God has given to us, and if we have
                   received the Spirit of Christ, then He dwells along with us.
                         How can two dwell together in the same house and not enjoy the presence of
                   one another? Yahshua said, “My sheep hear My voice.” When the Spirit comes to
                   dwell in a man or woman, He comes to commune with us. The word commune is
                   the  root  of  the  word  communicate.  To  commune  with  someone  we  must  keep
                   open the lines of communication. Christ speaks to us through the written word of
                   God. He also does so by the presence of the Spirit within us. The Spirit was given
                   to be Christ’s communicator.

                          John 16:13-15
                          “But  when  He,  the  Spirit  of  truth,  comes,  He  will  guide  you  into  all  the
                          truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears,
                          He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify
                          Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. All things that the
                          Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose
                          it to you.”

                         I  find  myself  speaking  to  Christ  all  throughout  the  day.  Sometimes  I  get
                   down on my knees and pray. At other times I find myself speaking to Him as I am
                   going about my daily tasks. Our lives are to be filled with such communication,
                   and please note that the word communication begins with the prefix “co,” which
                   infers two parties are both speaking and listening.
                         The food that Yahshua gives to His children does not appeal to the flesh of
                   man. If given a choice to watch an hour of television, or spend an hour in reading
                   the  Bible  and  prayer,  those  who  are  fleshly  are  inevitably  drawn  to  the  former
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