Page 56 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 56

Numbers 11:4-6
                          The rabble who were among them had greedy desires; and also the sons of
                          Israel wept again and said, "Who will give us flesh to eat? We remember the
                          fish which we used to eat free in Egypt, the cucumbers and the melons and
                          the leeks and the onions and the garlic, but now our appetite is gone. There
                          is nothing at all to look at except this manna."

                         God  provides  us  with  a  perfect  food.  It  has  everything  necessary  in  it  to
                   promote life and spiritual health. As Yahshua testified, those who eat the bread He
                   gives them “will live forever.” What we have been testifying throughout this book
                   is  that  divine life  is  the  answer  to  the  problem  of  sin.  As  we  receive the  life  of
                   Christ into our beings we are filled with the desire to please God, and the power to
                   accomplish these desires. When we eat the Bread of Heaven we become filled with
                   the fulness of Christ. He ever lived to do the will of the Father, and so will we.
                         We understand through the parable of the manna that this receiving of life is
                   obtained as we feed on that which Yahweh has provided for us. The food that God
                   provides for the Christian to eat is designed to increase Christ in us. However, this
                   bread from heaven does not appeal to the flesh. The rabble in Israel provide a type
                   of those who are called out of the world by God, but who are not satisfied with His
                   will  for  them.  They  still  crave  evil  things,  and are  not  willing  to  lay  aside their
                   former appetites. They begin to complain about the things God provides for them
                   to feed upon. Rebellious men and women look at God’s provision and say, “Who
                   will give us flesh to eat? There is nothing to look at except this manna!”
                         When a child of God is born spiritually, they receive a new spirit within them
                   that desires to do the will of the Father, yet they still are clothed in sinful flesh.
                   The flesh will always desire that which satisfies the flesh. It will continue to crave
                   sinful things. God has revealed through the history of Israel that when He calls us
                   out of the world we are to immediately change our diet. We are to cease feeding
                   our flesh, and begin to feed our spirit. Only in this way will we find the statement
                   fulfilled, “I must decrease, but Christ must increase.”
                         Many Christians have been called out of the world by God, yet after many
                   years they are still fleshly creatures, bound to the appetites of the flesh. The reason
                   is  that  they  rejected  God’s  provision  of  food  for  them,  and  have  yearned to  eat
                   those things they once fed upon while in the world. Like the Israelites they cry out,
                   “We remember the fish which we used to eat free in Egypt, the cucumbers and the
                   melons and the leeks and the onions and the garlic.”
                         It has been shown through numerous surveys by a number of companies that
                   there  is  as  much  sin  in  the  church  today,  as  there  is  in  society  outside  of  the
                   church. The reason is that they are both feeding upon the same diet. They watch
                   the same television shows, go to the same movies, read the same magazines, listen
                   to  the  same  music,  and  pursue  the  same  pleasures.  It  does  not  matter  if  the
                   Christian has been called out of the world by God, if they continue to feed on the
                   same  worldly  offerings  then  they  will  not  find  Christ  increasing,  and  self
                   decreasing. Victory over the flesh will elude them.
                         Because the Israelites cried out to God for flesh to eat, despising the manna,
                   He told them He would give them what they wanted.
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