Page 47 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 47

Chapter 7 - A New Creature

                       his book is written both for those who are strangers to Christ, as well as those
                   Twho are Christians. I have found that many men and women who have been
                   Christians for years have not come to an understanding of the ways of God, and
                   even  the  foundational  principles  of  Yahweh’s  work  among  mankind  is  little
                   comprehended. Partly due to the many misconceptions there are regarding life in
                   Christ,  many  who  have  long  been  Believers  are  not  walking  in  victory  over  sin.
                   This chapter seeks to explain one more critical truth that we might proceed in the
                   following  chapters  to  begin  to  address  a  practical  daily  walk  that  will  lead  to
                   victory over every addiction and besetting sin.
                         Many men and women hold to the misconception that when they became a
                   Christian they remained essentially the same, but Christ forgave  their sins. Not
                   understanding what had changed in their life, they believed they would be more
                   pleasing to God simply because they would now try harder. Such a mindset is far
                   from the truth.
                         When a man or woman receives the Holy Spirit of Christ into their being, the
                   Holy Spirit transforms them into an entirely new type of creature than they were
                   before. They receive a new dimension to their being that other men and women
                   lack. In truth, there are two entirely different types of men and women walking
                   this earth today. Some are what can be called an old creation, and some are a new
                   creation. The apostle Paul states it this way.

                          II Corinthians 5:17
                          Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed
                          away; behold, new things have come.

                         If you are “in Christ” then you are no longer the same type of man or woman
                   that you were formerly. A very fundamental change has occurred. This change is
                   so  radical  that  it  is  almost  as  if  you  had  become  another  species  among  God’s
                   creation. The Scriptures tell us exactly what has changed in us. In the following
                   passage the apostle Paul contrasts the first creature which is seen in Adam, to the
                   new creature that is observed in the person of Christ. The word Adam means man.
                   Therefore  we  see  Paul  referring  to  Christ  as  the  second  Adam,  or  second  Man.
                   What Paul is declaring is that there are now two distinct types of men walking this

                          I Corinthians 15:45-49
                          So also it is written, "The first man, Adam, became a living soul." The last
                          Adam became a life-giving spirit. However, the spiritual is not first, but the
                          natural;  then  the  spiritual.  The  first  man  is  from  the  earth,  earthy;  the
                          second  man  is  from  heaven.  As  is  the  earthy,  so  also  are  those  who  are
                          earthy; and as is the heavenly, so also are those who are heavenly. And just
                          as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of
                          the heavenly.
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