Page 45 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 45

manifestation  of  the  Spirit  of  Christ.  This  teaching  is  taken  from  examples  in
                   Scripture of some men receiving the Spirit who had these things occur.

                          Acts 19:6
                          And  when  Paul  had  laid  his  hands  upon  them,  the  Holy  Spirit  came  on
                          them, and they began speaking with tongues and prophesying.

                         Speaking in tongues is a manifestation of the Spirit, as is prophesying, but
                   not  all  men  and  women  experience  these  things,  nor  were  they  ever  stated  by
                   Christ or His apostles to be a test of having received the Spirit. In another place
                   the apostle states that the indwelling Spirit does not produce these manifestations
                   in all people.

                          I Corinthians 12:28-30
                          And God has appointed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third
                          teachers,  then  miracles,  then  gifts  of  healings,  helps,  administrations,
                          various  kinds  of  tongues.  All  are  not  apostles,  are  they?  All  are  not
                          prophets, are they? All are not teachers, are they? All  are not workers of
                          miracles, are  they?  All  do  not  have  gifts  of  healings, do  they?  All  do  not
                          speak with tongues, do they? All do not interpret, do they?

                         These  are  all  rhetorical  questions  that  the  apostle  is  asking.  The  implied
                   answer  in  each  instance  is  “No!”  If  all  men  and  women  spoke  in  tongues
                   immediately  upon  receiving  the  Spirit,  then  Paul  could  not  have  asked  this
                         We  have  read  that  the  Spirit  bears  witness  with  our  spirit  that  we  are
                   children  of  God.  Perhaps  you  are  unsure  of  this  witness,  however.  There  are  a
                   number of reasons why you may be uncertain, even if you have received the Spirit
                   of  Christ. You may be walking  in sin. Sin separates us from God, and makes it
                   difficult to hear His voice. You may have been disturbed by false teaching,  and
                   have unrealistic expectations of what happens when Believers receive the Spirit.
                   As  mentioned  before,  some  a  believe  a  Christian  will  never  sin,  nor  even  be
                   tempted to do so. Others declare that speaking in tongues always accompanies the
                   receiving of the Spirit.
                         Many ministers fall into the ditch on the opposite side of the road as they tell
                   people that all they need to do is pray a sinner’s prayer and  confess Christ and
                   believe they have been born again of the Spirit. Such teaching is ill informed.
                         I have found that it is not prudent to try to convince people that they have
                   received the Spirit, any more than it is prudent to badger a man or woman to say a
                   sinner’s prayer. We are told that it is the Spirit that draws men to God, and it is
                   also the Spirit that testifies to us that we are His children.
                         Now,  don’t  misunderstand  me,  I  am  not  saying  that  I  do  not  believe  in
                   evangelism. If that were true I would not be writing this book. As Christians we
                   are instructed to be led of the Spirit in all of our actions and words. We must allow
                   the Spirit to direct us to those whom He has prepared to hear the good news of
                   salvation  in  Christ.  Yahshua  Himself  urged  His  disciples  to  use  discernment  in
                   their ministry.
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