Page 46 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 46

Matthew 7:6
                          “Do  not  give  what  is  holy  to  dogs,  and  do  not  throw  your  pearls  before
                          swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to

                         There are some things that a person needs to wrestle with for themselves. I
                   have often heard the example cited of a chick emerging from an egg, or a butterfly
                   emerging  from  a  cocoon.  At  times  an  inexperienced  person  will  witness  this
                   struggle, and fear for the chick or the butterfly and will attempt to help them out.
                   But  the  struggle  is  necessary  in  order  to  acquire  the  strength  to  survive.  Many
                   have “helped” a chick out by removing the shell from around them only to watch
                   the newly freed chick die as a result. The same is true of the butterfly.
                         It is good for people to manifest the effort required to obtain that which they
                   need. Someone who truly realizes their sinful condition and the salvation offered
                   in Christ should not need to be prodded to pray to God confessing his or her need.
                   It should be impossible for us to hold them back. We would do better to pray for
                   those  who  are  manifesting  a  careless  attitude  toward  their  soul,  asking  God  to
                   impress upon them the peril of their condition.
                         The  same  is  true  concerning  the  indwelling  Spirit.  We  are  naturally
                   compassionate  toward  the  struggles  of  others,  and  are  desirous  of  giving  them
                   some relief. However, it would be tragic for us to convince a person that they have
                   received the Spirit if in actuality they have not. It is a healthy and desirous thing
                   for each man and woman to press in themselves to achieve the assurance of both
                   their salvation and their reception of the Spirit. This is why the Lord urged those
                   who needed the Spirit to “ask,” “seek,” and “knock.”
                         The actual words the Lord used denote a continuous activity. They can be
                   translated as “keep on seeking, keep on asking, keep on knocking,” until you have
                   received the Spirit from the Father. In the same passage, which was cited in an
                   earlier chapter, we read of the Lord’s parable where He spoke of a man needing
                   some food to set before his visitor that arrived at a late hour. This man went to his
                   neighbor  and  knocked  on  his  door  and  asked  for  some  bread  to  set  before  his
                   guest. The neighbor replied that he had already gone to bed and could not get up.
                   But the man persisted at the door and would not go away until his request had
                   been satisfied.
                         These  things  the  Lord  spoke  as  an  example  for  us.  We  are  to  manifest
                   perseverance in receiving the Spirit. We are to be confident that if we do not go
                   away, but keep on asking, that the Lord will see our unwavering determination,
                   and He will give us what we ask for.
                         Just like the chick and the butterfly, it is necessary for the Christian to begin
                   his new life in Christ with such an effort. Life in Christ is full of challenges, and
                   many  fall  away  when  the  going  gets  tough.  Some  have  been  hindered  by  well
                   meaning saints who sought to spare them the early trials of faith. My advice to all
                   those who are unsure of their having received the Spirit is to press into God until
                   you are sure. Seek the answer from Him alone. Storm the gates of heaven until you
                   obtain an answer of peace to your question.
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