Page 52 - Overcoming Addiction
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Chapter 8 - The Bread of Heaven

                       here is a modern adage that states “You are what you eat.” There is much truth
                   Tto this at all levels of our being. What we eat physically impacts our bodies in
                   profound ways. There are many authors who have provided tremendous evidence
                   that the vast majority of diseases in western culture are due to diet. What we eat
                   either promotes health, or promotes disease.
                         This same principle of what we eat shaping who we are is true in the realm of
                   man’s soul. Yahshua declared the following:

                          Matthew 12:34-35
                          "You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good? For the
                          mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart. The good man brings out of
                          his  good  treasure  what  is  good;  and  the  evil  man  brings  out  of  his  evil
                          treasure what is evil.”

                         The heart often serves as a symbolic reference to the inner man. As the men
                   Yahshua  was  speaking  to  were  not  yet  born  of  the  Spirit,  the  heart  here  is  a
                   reference to their soul. Yahshua declared that whatever filled their heart would be
                   revealed  in  their  words  and  actions.  Whatever  these  men  had  spent  their  time
                   feeding upon during the years of their life had made a tremendous impact upon
                   their soul. It had literally shaped their soul. If they fed on truth and righteousness,
                   their soul would be shaped by this and the result would be seen in their words and
                   actions.  If  they  fed  upon  lies  and  impurity,  then  their  soul  would  likewise  be
                   shaped by these things.
                         What we eat has a tremendous influence upon our being. This is why there is
                   so much written about clean foods and unclean foods in the Bible. We should not
                   think that Yahweh’s primary reason for  speaking about foods was the health of
                   man’s physical body. Christ stated that the more important matter is what we feed
                   our souls.

                          Matthew 15:11
                          "It  is  not  what  enters  into  the  mouth  that  defiles  the  man,  but  what
                          proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man."

                         In  the  previous  passage  of  Scripture  we  read  that  what  comes  out  of  the
                   mouth is what is in the soul of man. Whatever our soul has been feeding upon will
                   be revealed in our words. For example, a man who spends his life in the pursuit of
                   worldly possessions will spend much time feeding upon that which his soul craves.
                   He may subscribe to magazines such as Fortune and Forbes, or papers such as The
                   Wall Street Journal. He will go directly to the stock reports, when he looks at the
                   news online, and he will seek out other people with whom he can converse about
                   finances  and  investments  and  the  economy.  When  this  man  is  engaged  in
                   conversation it will be apparent what his soul has been feeding upon.
                         Not  only  is  the  man’s  conversation  affected,  but  so  are  his  values  and  his
                   actions. If a man has focused all his life upon making money, he will begin to view
                   situations  through  this  lens.  When  meeting  a  person  he  may  consider  whether
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