Page 43 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 43

receiving the life of Christ, no man can live a life pleasing to God. Paul further tells

                          Romans 7:5-6
                          For while we were in the flesh, the sinful passions, which were aroused by
                          the Law, were at work in the members of our body to bear fruit for death.
                          But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which
                          we were bound, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness
                          of the letter.

                         The giving of the Law at Mount Sinai serves as a parable looking forward to
                   that  day  when  Yahweh  would  remove  the  stony  heart  of  man  and  give  them  a
                   heart of flesh. He would produce men and women whose desire was to do His will,
                   and who had the power within them to carry it out. If you have been born again of
                   the Spirit of Christ, then you have this Spirit dwelling in you, producing divine life
                   in your members. If you have not received the Spirit of Christ, then you need to
                   ask God to give you His Spirit.
                         When Yahshua walked upon this earth during the years of His ministry, He
                   revealed to mankind an image of what man could be like when they received the
                   indwelling Spirit. The Scriptures declare that Yahshua was tempted in all ways as
                   we are, yet without sin. This was due to the life of God in Him. Yahshua did not
                   overcome sin by the power of the flesh, nor by willpower, nor by gaining some
                   hidden knowledge. He overcame by the life of God present in Him.

                          John 6:63
                          "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing...”

                         Yahshua  demonstrated  before  the  eyes  of  His  disciples that  a  man  who  is
                   walking in the Spirit can overcome every desire and passion of the flesh. He then
                   told them that He was going to depart from them in order that He might send His
                   Spirit to indwell them, even as the Spirit was in Him.

                          John 16:7
                          "But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not
                          go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to

                         Perhaps you are beginning to understand now why the word Helper seems
                   inadequate  to  describe  all  that  the  Spirit  of  Christ  does  for  Believers.
                   Understanding these truths is vital to a walk of victory over addiction. There are
                   many people who go to twelve step programs in order to seek to overcome their
                   addictive desires. But any twelve step program that does not include the truths we
                   have been looking at here cannot set men and women free from the things that
                   hold them captive. If a twelve step program does not point men to Christ alone as
                   the  One  who  has  made  atonement  for  sin,  and  if  this  same  program  does  not
                   direct men and women to their need to receive the indwelling Spirit of Christ, then
                   it presents a false message of victory over addiction.
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