Page 51 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 51

that we once were. The old must pass away, and the new must come. This process
                   is expressed in numerous ways in the Scriptures.

                          Ephesians 4:20-24
                          But you did not learn Christ in this way, if indeed you have heard Him and
                          have been taught in Him, just as truth is in Yahshua, that, in reference to
                          your  former  manner  of  life,  you  lay  aside  the  old  self,  which  is  being
                          corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in
                          the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of
                          God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.

                         Our victory over sin is assured as we allow this process of transformation to
                   go forward. The old self is laid aside and the new self is put on. Once a person
                   receives the Spirit of Christ this process begins, and it is as natural as a physical
                   babe  growing  into  an  adult.  Our  transformation  into  the  image of  Christ  is  not
                   something we have to force to happen, neither do we need to figure out how to
                   make  it  come  about.  All  we  need  to  do  is  surrender  to  that  which  the  Spirit  is
                   doing in us. We can, however, resist this work and cause this new creature to not
                   develop normally as it should.
                         Yahshua said that of those born of woman there was none greater than John
                   the Baptist. Yahshua testified that there existed  no  greater prophet than John.
                   Perhaps  the  reason  for  this  high  praise  was  that  John  recognized  clearly  that
                   Yahshua was the Son of God and that He was the Lamb of God slain for the sins of
                   the  world.  John  also  testified  of  this  very  key  work  of  God  where  Christ  must
                   become more and more within mankind, while the old self must become less and
                   less. John declared this truth in the following words.

                          John 3:30
                          "He must increase, but I must decrease.”

                         This  occurrence  of  Yahshua  increasing  in  us,  while  we  decrease,  is  the
                   natural result of a life surrendered to the Spirit of Christ. Hear what I am saying.
                   “This  is  only  the  natural  result  of  those  SURRENDERED  to  the  Spirit.  Many
                   Christians continue in bondage to the flesh, and they fail to overcome addictive
                   desires, because they RESIST the Spirit.
                         We will look once more in the next chapter to the parable of Israel in the
                   wilderness to discern both how we can surrender to the Spirit, and how we resist
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