Page 44 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 44

John 8:31-32
                          Then Yahshua said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My
                          word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the
                          truth shall make you free."

                         Any  program  that  does  not  include  the  truth  of  God  which  we  have  been
                   setting  forth  here,  cannot  set  men  free.  If  a  program  teaches  men  that  it  is
                   acceptable to hold to a concept of a “god of their understanding,” and it declares
                   that any god will do, it is a work of deception. There is salvation in only one name.

                          Acts 4:10-12
                          Let it be known  to all  of you, and to  all  the people of Israel, that  by the
                          name  of  Yahshua  Christ  the  Nazarene,  whom  you  crucified,  whom  God
                          raised  from  the  dead  -  by  this  name  this  man  stands  here  before  you  in
                          good health. He is the stone which was rejected by you, the builders, but
                          which became the very corner stone. And there is salvation in no one else;
                          for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men,
                          by which we must be saved.”

                         Only  in  Yahshua,  Yah’s  Salvation,  is  there  deliverance.  Any  program  that
                   does not direct people to their need to receive the life of God into their being by
                   being  born  again  of  the  Spirit  of  Christ,  has  not  declared  that  which  men  and
                   women need to hear and understand. They are doing no more than placing a fig
                   leaf covering over mankind, while leaving them in bondage to sin. They have not
                   touched the problem of mankind’s stony heart. We must receive a new spirit and a
                   new heart within us to begin to walk as overcomers in this life.
                         Receiving the Spirit is so vital to that which Yahweh desires to accomplish in
                   the  lives  of  His  chosen  people,  that  this  matter  is  set  forth  as  the  true  test  of
                   whether or not we are Christians.

                          II Corinthians 13:5
                          Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you
                          not recognize this about yourselves, that Yahshua Christ is in you -- unless
                          indeed you fail the test?

                         Christ dwells in His children by the Spirit who has been given. You may then
                   ask, “How do I know for sure if I have received the Spirit of Christ?” The answer is
                   that the Spirit Himself testifies to us that we are God’s children.

                          Romans 8:15-16
                          For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you
                          have  received  a  spirit  of  adoption  as  sons  by  which  we  cry  out,  "Abba!
                          Father!" The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of

                         There are certain branches of Christianity that teach that the proof of having
                   received  the  Spirit  is  that  one  will  speak  in  tongues,  or  experience  some  other
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