Page 49 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 49

John 3:3-8
                          Yahshua answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is
                          born  again he cannot see the kingdom of God." Nicodemus said to Him,
                          "How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time
                          into his mother's womb and be born, can he?" Yahshua answered, "Truly,
                          truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter
                          into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that
                          which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be amazed that I said to you,
                          ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the
                          sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so
                          is everyone who is born of the Spirit."

                         The only type of birth which Nicodemus was familiar with was that of flesh.
                   He  understood  that  man  came  from  woman  through  the  natural  birth.  This  is
                   what  Yahshua  referred  to  as  being  “born  of  water.”  There  is  a  water  birth  that
                   immediately precedes a baby coming forth from the womb. All who are born of
                   woman are living souls. They have a body and a soul.
                         Yahshua told Nicodemus that in order to become all God desired, men had to
                   be born a second time. This second birth is a spiritual birth. It is accomplished by
                   the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit cannot be seen by the natural senses, and therefore
                   His work is hidden, but we can observe the results of His work in our lives. This
                   hidden  work  with  noticeable  results  is  what  Yahshua  is  referring  to  in  the  last
                   verse  quoted  above.  We  cannot  see  the  wind,  but  we  can  tell  where  it  is  by
                   observing its passage through the trees and among the grass. We therefore know
                   the wind has passed by.
                         Spiritual birth is like the passage of the wind. We do not observe it as we do
                   the natural birth, but we can see that something has indeed been born that was
                   not present before. We find that there are new desires in our being, urging us to
                   walk  in  a  manner  pleasing  to  God.  There  is  also  a  new  power  to  walk  in
                   righteousness that  we  did not  have  before.  We  are  able  to  see  things  that  were
                   formerly  hidden  to  us,  even  as  Yahshua  declared  “unless  one  is  born  again  he
                   cannot see the kingdom of God.”
                         Yahweh has set many things in the creation to serve as parables of spiritual
                   truth. As we observe them, and have our understanding opened, we are able to
                   discern  more  about  God’s  work  in  our  life.  One  such  parable  is  found  in  the
                   transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.
                         The caterpillar and butterfly are the same creature at two different stages of
                   life. They are so vastly  different, however, that they are referred to  by different
                   names.  The  caterpillar  is  like  unto  the  first  Adam.  It  is  a  creature  of  flesh.  Its
                   appearance even resembles a lump of flesh. It is earthbound, and it has appetites
                   for things that grow close to the earth. This too is like the first Adam. When we are
                   born  of  woman  we  are  fleshly  creatures.  We  have  appetites  for  earthly  things.
                   Even as the serpent was cursed to eat dust all the days of his life, so is man, for he
                   submitted  to  the  serpent  for  obedience.  The  natural  man’s  appetites  are  those
                   things that satisfy the cravings of sinful flesh. Even as a caterpillar cannot leave
                   the earth, the natural man is unable to rise above the captivity of the flesh.
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