Page 298 - Foundations
P. 298

Pyramids of Egypt

               On the plains of Shinar man had only mud with which to make bricks. In Egypt there was stone to
               be quarried. The limestone pyramids of Egypt, though slightly more recent than the most ancient
               ziggurats of Mesopotamia, have been preserved in a much better state. This is partly due to the stone
               construction, but also due to the dryer climate of Egypt. The pyramid is a modified Mesopotamian
               ziggurat. This fact is most clearly observed in the “stepped pyramids” of Egypt.

               Step Pyramid of King Djoser at Saqqara

               138 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt to date. The Pyramid of King Djoser at Saqqara, Egypt
               is believed by many historians and archaeologists to be the oldest of the pyramids. The date of this
               pyramid  places  it  historically  close  in  proximity  to  the  dispersion  from  Babel.  The  following
               reconstruction of this pyramid shows the similarity of design to that of the Babylonian towers.
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