Page 293 - Foundations
P. 293

It should not strike any person as incredible that more than four thousand years after the construction
               of the Tower of Babel that Satan is inspiring men to build similar structures today. The spirit of
               Babylon has spread outward from that ancient city.

               Genesis 11:8-9
               So Yahweh scattered them abroad from there over the face of the whole earth; and they stopped
               building the city. Therefore its name was called Babel, because there Yahweh confused the language
               of the whole earth; and from there Yahweh scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth.

               At the time of this scattering, the entire landmass of the earth was one giant continent. It was after the
               flood of Noah that the earth was divided. The book of Genesis tells us that this occurred in the days
               of Peleg, whose name means “to divide asunder.”

               Genesis 10:25
               And two sons were born to Eber; the name of the one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided.

               Some have assumed that what is referred to here is nothing more than the tribes and families of
               mankind spreading out from Mesopotamia to the land Yahweh apportioned to them. I am convinced
               that something much more remarkable is indicated. What the author of Genesis is telling us is that
               the dry land was formerly one contiguous mass. There was only one continent. This is a view that
               science itself agrees with, though scientific theory varies greatly from the Biblical account in its
               estimation of when this super-continent existed and the length of time it took for it to drift apart.
               Geologists refer to the original super-continent as Pangea, or Pangaea. Its separation into the present
               continents of the earth is referred to as “continental drift theory.”


               It is a simple matter to examine the outlines of the continents and envision how they may have once
               fit together. There is some diversity in the portraits of what the ancient single landmass looked like,
               but similarities exist in most of the depictions. The above image shows one possibility. A close-up
               of the central portion of this landmass is shown below.
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