Page 62 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 62

wondered what the word might mean. I did not know Judith, having only seen her once or
               twice before, and never having fellowshipped with her or her husband.
                     My wife was not present when Judith spoke this word, but after a few minutes I
               noticed that Judith had found my wife and it was apparent she wanted to speak something
               to us. Tony and I stood shoulder to shoulder facing Judith, and Judith then spoke to Tony
               saying, “God says you are to get behind your husband.” Judith then began praying for Tony
               and she prayed against a spirit of divorce.
                     Tony and I had struggled some over our previous steps of faith, and on the last one,
               when it was known that I was diabetic and God was pressing me to cast myself over into His
               hands to trust Him for healing, Tony had threatened to divorce me if I went through with
               canceling our insurance, but it did not seem to me that she was very serious about her
               threat. I appreciated the prophetic word spoken to Tony, and the prayer, very much, and
               later when things were to get very difficult in our home I was much consoled that God had
               already sent His messenger and declared His will.
                     Fear is a terrible taskmaster, and I had endured much torment from fear during my
               life, and I would experience more. I could empathize with others who were also being
               terrorized by this demonic spirit. The Scriptures command men to live with their wives in
               an understanding way, knowing that they are weaker vessels (I Peter 3:7), and one of the
               ways in which they are weaker is in their susceptibility to fear. The verse preceding the one
               just mentioned speaks the following:

                       I Peter 3:6
                       Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, and you have become her children if you
                       do what is right without being frightened by any fear.

                     Fear was the real issue that Tony was dealing with. She had not received a word from
               God saying that I was to continue working as a PC manager, nor had she heard His voice
               saying I was not to pursue full-time ministry. She was merely being terrorized by her fears,
               and this fear was evident every time she spoke. God instructed me to be patient and gentle
               with my wife, but at the same time He would not allow me to bow to the pressure she was
               using to try to manipulate my actions. In my obedience to God I was led to be as hard as
               adamant, yet in my conduct with my wife I was instructed to manifest much patience, mercy
               and forgiveness. The journey had begun, and I was not to allow my fears, or the fears of
               others, to keep me from the dreams God had set before me.
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