Page 61 - Evidence of Things Unseen
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led by God to take his wife and two sons to Colorado. God said He would take care of them,
               and they went without any money on hand, needing to see God come through for them
               immediately. They stayed in Colorado for four months, and God would not allow Richard
               to work. Richard was a bundle of fears, yet God had taken care of them faithfully and at the
               end of four months he brought them back to Georgia. Richard and I talked about the great
               challenges of such a walk of faith, but also the rich benefits of a greater fellowship and
               intimacy with God as the desperation of the circumstances would drive the individual to
               press into the presence of God daily.
                     With all of this preparation God had been doing in our midst, I had hoped that the
               other ministers would be supportive when I shared with them what God was leading me to
               do. They had been witnesses of Josiah’s healing, and they had seen God take care of our
               family’s health, even healing me of diabetes, when I had been led to cancel our health
               insurance. What God was requiring now was just one more step in this process of leading
               us forward into greater realms of faith. The church was even named Living Faith, so I had
               hopes that the ministers would understand what God was doing.
                     I should have realized that one man’s faith does not translate over to another man
               unless  they  also  have  a  desire  and  a  willingness  to  walk  in  faith.  During  one  of  our
               ministers’ meetings, I shared how God had confirmed His leading to me, and I informed
               them that I was going to leave my employment in the computer field and trust God for our
               provision. As a minister there was much precedence for this, and Paul even devoted the
               majority of I Corinthians chapter 9 to this topic.
                     I asked my wife before we went to the meeting what she was going to share, and she
               told me that the Lord had spoken to her, telling her she was not to say anything. After I
               shared, the elders and their wives asked Tony what she thought about the matter. Tony
               changed her mind about being silent. She became very emotional and expressed all of her
               fears and said she did not agree with this thing I was doing. The elders and their wives,
               moved by Tony’s emotions and fears, then expressed their opinion to me that I should not
               do this thing since my wife did not agree with me. They told me that I was prohibited by
               God from taking such a step if my wife was not in agreement.
                     It is not my desire to get into a discussion of headship, and the governmental order
               of God, in this book, for I have already addressed these topics at length in other writings.
               If any should have a desire to read further on this topic I would refer them to the book
               Sarah’s Children, which can be read, or downloaded freely, from the Heart4God website.
               It is necessary, however, to mention the struggle that was present in our home that further
               things which will be shared should be understood.
                     Tony truly had not heard God speak that her husband was in error, nor had the Spirit
               told her that she was to resist my leadership and advocate that we go another way. In fact,
               God had spoken something to her that was quite the opposite. A few months prior to these
               events a couple from another town attended a Sunday morning gathering of saints at Living
               Faith, and it was known that the woman was a prophetess. Toward the end of the meeting
               Richard asked this woman, whose name is Judith, if she had a word for the body. She
               responded affirmatively, but added that the word was for the leadership and she would like
               to share with the ministers after the service ended.
                     When the ministers had gathered together, and a couple of their wives, Judith said
               that  the  Lord  had given  her  a  message for  the  ministers,  and  then  added that  it  was
               specifically for one of us. She pointed straight at me, and said “God says promotion is
               coming to you.” I was stunned to have been so singled out among the ministers, and I
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