Page 47 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 47

Father, Will You Heal My Son?

                  was perplexed, and somewhat distraught, when I discerned that God had determined to
               Iremove the candlestick of the church I spoke of in the previous chapter. I had spent many
               years in this place, and had prayed and interceded fervently that the Father would raise up
               a people for His praise. I had expected that He would do so, and that He would use the
               people from this body of believers as a part of this work. The Holy Spirit led me to the
               following verse, which I often used as a basis for my prayers:

                       Isaiah 62:6-7
                       On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen; all day and all night they
                       will never keep silent. You who remind the LORD, take no rest for yourselves; and
                       give Him no rest until He establishes and makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.

                     Jerusalem is a type of the church, and I felt called as a watchman to cry out to Yahweh
               and to ask Him to make the church beautiful once more. The church  had become as
               Jerusalem in her ruin.

                       Isaiah 64:10-11
                       Your holy cities have become a wilderness, Zion has become a wilderness, Jerusalem
                       a desolation. Our holy and beautiful house, where our fathers praised You, has been
                       burned by fire; and all our precious things have become a ruin.

                     As I observed the church at large I saw that she had fallen from a great height. Her
               walls had been broken down, and the world was trampling her courts and filling her streets
               with much impurity and wickedness. The glory of the Lord had departed, and there was
               little faith evidenced anywhere. Few could be found who truly gave themselves to a pursuit
               of God. Yet I believed that Yahweh would have a righteous remnant prepared for the return
               of His Son, a Bride prepared without spot, or blemish. I wanted to see this people raised up,
               according to the words of Isaiah:

                       Isaiah 61:4
                       Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins, they will raise up the former devastations;
                       and they will repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations.

                     I had seen one people fail due to a lack of faith. I had been ordained as an elder at this
               church just a few months before the end of her existence. Yet God had confirmed to me that
               my ordination was from Him and not from man. When I left this church God spoke to me
               and declared that His gifts and callings were without repentance. The Holy Spirit bore
               witness that I was still a minister to the body of Christ, and would remain so.
                     I was excited when God immediately showed us where we were to go next. He led us
               to a non-denominational body of believers in a nearby town. The name of this fellowship
               was “Living Faith,” and this was particularly encouraging to me, because I knew it would
               take a living faith to enter into the promises of God. While we were here God began leading
               our family further into the inheritance He had for us. We had already trusted Him to be our
               security, and now He wanted to prove Himself as our Healer.
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