Page 80 - The Road from Babylon to Zion
P. 80

name of God (Yahweh) has  been obscured and lost to multitudes of professing
               believers due to the practice of the translators of replacing it with titular substitutes.
               Many saints falsely think that Yahweh's name is God or LORD. These words are
               titles, not names, in the same way that Dad is a title, but all Dads have proper names.
               I believe it has been a deceit of Satan to obscure the name of Yahweh, but it has also
               served the purpose of Yahweh. Knowing someone's name is a sign of intimacy and
               the masses of professing Christians are not intimate with Him.

               However, this man, his family, and the groups of which he was a part, though they
               had some truth, they also had much error. They teach that it is sinful to use the title
               LORD to refer to Yahweh or Yahshua because Baal is often translated into English
               as lord. But they have overlooked numerous scriptures where the word baal was
               actually used in reference to Yahweh, for baal was a rather generic term that could
               refer to any lord or master. On the other hand, a word that they state is acceptable,
               Elohim, is also a generic term referring to deity and it is used in various places in
               scripture to refer to false gods, such as the elohim of Egypt. Their logic in accepting
               one term and refusing another is nonsensical.

               They also teach that Jesus is a pagan name and that it was derived from either the
               name Zeus or Isis and it should never be used. I searched this claim with a great deal
               of persistence and I found it to be unsubstantiated. Other logic employed by this
               man, and the groups that believe as he did, is not sound. This man told me that
               names don't change over time or across languages, so we are only correct when we
               use the original form of a name recorded in scripture. This is easily disproved, for
               even  alphabets  change,  and  the  Hebrews  themselves  have  had  several  quite
               remarkably distinct variations of their language and alphabet. Also, it is a simple
               matter to show that names do change over time and across languages, sometimes
               quite drastically.

               As I examined this matter I found that a Latin form of Yah was Iah, Yah being a form
               of Yahweh used in numerous places in scripture, and the word for salvation, or save,
               was pronounced "soose". Combining these two we get Iesus (ee-ay-soose) which
               literally meant "Yah's salvation" to the Greek speaking people of the Roman Empire.
               “Yah’s Salvation” is the meaning of the name of the Son of God recorded in scripture
               (Matthew 1:21). If you look at Matthew 1:21 in the Greek you will find that to the
               Greek, Iesus, from which we get Jesus, held the meaning mentioned here. It was not
               as this man asserted, some devilish plot to replace the name of the Son of God with
               the name of a Greek or Roman god or goddess. Yahshua would have been the name
               Jesus was known by among the Hebrews to whom He was sent. In Hebrew Yahshua
               holds the same meaning as does Iesus in the Greek.

               This man, his family, and the groups that teach the same things, have become islands
               unto themselves. They declare in many instances that you are not saved if you were
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