Page 78 - The Road from Babylon to Zion
P. 78

There are some teachings that I have presented to the body, and because of them I
               have been labeled a heretic by some. Some who have called me a heretic are in places
               of public ministry, yet these same saints have failed the test of nobility practiced by
               the  Bereans.  They  have  not  searched  the  scriptures  to  see  whether  what  was
               proclaimed was true. In fact, some have flat out stated that they refuse to discuss
               certain  issues  with  me.  This  is  not  a  fulfillment  of  Paul's  words  to  "examine
               everything carefully". It is simply being closed-minded.

               At the beginning of this chapter it is necessary to declare the balance that must be
               attained by the Elect in this hour. We cannot be so narrow in our views that we
               refuse all that is new to us, for much new truth has been determined by the counsel
               of God to be unveiled in this hour. Yet we cannot be so open minded that we let our
               brains fall out. We are to not despise prophetic utterances and teachings, but we are
               to test them all.

               In the past couple of years the Father has brought me to various encounters with
               individuals  who  were espousing  particular beliefs, doctrines, and precepts. The
               Father  desired  that  I  should  test  these  words,  and  I  have  done  so.  One  such
               encounter occurred toward the end of a prolonged period where the Father had our
               family relying upon Him for every need to be met.

               For a period of a year and a half the Father placed me under the command to not
               work in a job to receive wages. He told me to step out in faith and He would take care
               of my family. I have a wife and two children, and we had no money in the bank so
               this was a real test for our family. When the Father first placed this obedience upon
               me I did not know how long He would have me to walk in this manner. Ultimately
               it was 18 months, and during this entire time we never lacked for food, clothing,
               shelter, or any necessary thing.

               Toward the end of this time the Father did an incredible thing. He provided for us
               to purchase a motorhome with cash and to live for some months in it. We spent an
               entire month at the beach at the orchestration of the Father, and my wife and I
               celebrated our 16th anniversary during this month at the very same place that we had
               honeymooned 16 years previously. This place was Jekyll Island, Georgia. The Father
               showed us that this was a time of new beginnings for my wife and me. Eight is the
               number of new beginnings, and two times eight is sixteen, signifying new beginning
               for both of us. To further corroborate this it was the sixteenth month since I had
               followed the Father in obedience to not work, and we had just received a gift of
               $8,000 which made purchasing the motorhome and taking this trip possible.

               While we were at Jekyll Island and staying at an RV park, we met another family who
               were wintering there. This family were "Name Keepers" and "Sabbath Keepers". This
               means that they held to a doctrine that taught that the divine names Yahweh and
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