Page 83 - The Road from Babylon to Zion
P. 83

Chapter 9 - Conspiracy, Incorporated

               The matter to be discussed in this chapter is very important. Multitudes of saints are
               falling for this particular trap of the enemy. Nearly every week I get a letter from
               someone that sends me some warning of dire things that are occurring in the world,
               or a link to some site where such issues are discussed. There is a whole industry that
               has sprung up to fulfill the desire of those who want to be kept up-to-date about the
               latest thing that is happening in the kingdom of darkness.

               I have heard the stories about the secret societies, the Trilateral Commission, the
               Council on Foreign Relations, the Skull and Bones organization, the international
               bankers, the Bilderbergers, the Rothschilds, the Jesuits, the United Nations and its
               New World Order, the smart chips and digital implants, the secret prison camps, the
               black  helicopters,  and  government  complicity  in  just  about  every  evil  deed
               imaginable, etc., etc.. I would think it remarkable if any of the readers of this book
               have not heard many of the same stories.

               Although I know there is a great deal of speculation and wild imagination relating
               to these matters, I also recognize some truth in the stories. I would not tell you that
               all  such  stories  are  false,  nor  that  every  conspiracy  theory  is  the  product  of  a
               suspicious and delusional mind, for there truly are many conspiracies in the world,
               and there are many wicked men who are pawns of Satan who are working out his evil
               schemes in this world. The person who believes that history is simply a product of
               chance is really somewhat naive. Many of the wars and events of history have been
               the product of collaboration and collusion among evil men who were working out
               their own agendas. Conspiracies are real.

               The question is not whether there is truth in these stories, the question the saints
               should ask is, “Would the Father have me to focus on these matters?” There is a
               whole industry built around exploiting the interest of people, mostly Christians, who
               are fearful or curious about end time events, and the number of books, cassette tapes,
               radio broadcasts, television shows, magazines, video tapes, etc., that are put out
               continually to discuss these matters is legion.

               I have found many saints inside and outside of Babylon to be focused on these
               matters.  I  get  “emergency”  e-mails  from  saints  who  have  heard  some  new
               pronouncement of events that are occurring and they feel that everyone should know
               about it, although the reason why is often unclear, for quite often there is nothing the
               saint can do about this “emergency” matter.

               The tone of the letters I get from people who are focused on these issues is always the
               same, they are full of fear. Some people are angry as well, but fear is always present.
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