Page 82 - The Road from Babylon to Zion
P. 82

and it has kept him from coming out of deception. I believe bitterness in this man’s
               life against fellow ministers who mistreated him was the open door that opened him
               up to the deceptions of Satan.

               We are also told in scripture that failing to have a sincere love of the truth will lead
               one to embracing deception. If the saint has been given light and truth, but has failed
               to  walk  in  it,  even  what  they  have  will  be  taken  away  and  the  Father  will
               consequently send delusion to these saints who did not love the truth.

                       II Thessalonians 2:10-11
                       Because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. For
                       this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they
                       will believe what is false...

               There are other things that open the saints up to deception: rebellion against the
               governmental  order  of  Yahweh;  harboring  idols  in  one’s  heart;  and  a  spirit  of
               unbelief are some of the more evident things.

               In the hour in which we live it is somewhat paradoxical that truth and error will both
               increase alongside one another. The elect of God must not be closed to the unveiling
               of things previously hidden, but at the same time they must guard against the deceit
               of Satan. They must not despise or reject prophecies and teaching, but they must
               carefully examine every word. A failure in either direction will hinder the saint from
               reaching the goal the Father has set before them.

               Guard your heart, put away bitterness, walk in the light you have been given, put on
               a heart of humility, and earnestly seek the Father that He might guide you into all
               truth and you will do well on your journey to Zion.
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