Page 84 - The Road from Babylon to Zion
P. 84
Focusing on what evil men are doing in the world always produces fear in the hearts
of God’s children.
Focus is vastly important for the saint who would journey toward Zion. Our focus
should be on the joy set before us, not the plans and schemes of wickedness in this
world. A focus on Yahshua will produce peace and faith in the life of the saint. A
focus on the conspiracies of wicked men and of angels will produce a troubled soul
and stir up fear.
Consider the account of Peter and the other disciples who were crossing the Sea of
Galilee on a stormy night when they saw Yahshua walking on the water. The disciples
were afraid that they were soon to be under the water, drowned and dead, while
Yahshua demonstrated how to put the water under His feet. Peter called out to his
Master and said, “Lord, if it is really You, then bid me come to you on the water.” In
reply Yahshua said, “Come.”
Matthew 14:29-31
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came
toward Yahshua. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and,
beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" Immediately Yahshua
reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why
did you doubt?"
Peter was able to put the stormy water under his feet while he looked to Yahshua.
The scriptures say that he “walked on water and came toward Yahshua.” Never
before had it ever been recorded that any man had walked on water. What Peter did
was extraordinary. It was miraculous, and he did it because he saw Yahshua doing
it and Peter’s eyes were on Yahshua.
But then Peter looked to the wind and the waves. He took his eyes off of Yahshua and
looked at the raging storm around him, and we are told that “he was afraid and
beginning to sink.” No longer was Peter able to do the miraculous when his focus was
taken off of his Savior. Instead fear gripped his heart and he began to succumb to the
wind and the storm.
When Peter cried out for Yahshua to save him we are told that Yahshua immediately
reached out His hand and caught Peter. I am confident that Peter’s focus then
returned to his Savior, that he saw his hand in Yahshua’s hand, and his faith
returned and he was able to return to the boat.
Notice how critical focus was to this entire episode. In the midst of the storm when
Peter kept his eyes on the Savior he was able to rise above the stormy waters and
place them under his feet. We live in days when many storms are stirring and they