Page 79 - The Road from Babylon to Zion
P. 79

Yahshua should be used, as well as some of the Hebrew references for deity such as
               Elohim and Adonai, but that other titles that have been substituted for the original
               names as recorded in scripture should be avoided. To this family the titles God and
               Lord were considered pagan and were strictly avoided. This family also believed they
               were to keep the Sabbath according to the Law of Moses and that no work was to be
               done from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday. They also practiced other
               aspects of the Torah such as eating kosher.

               This family was in the RV park the whole time we were, but we didn't meet them
               until after we had been there several weeks. The husband was very outspoken in his
               beliefs and he invited us over for a chat.  He told us all about his beliefs regarding
               name-keeping and he gave me several teachings in printed form, as well as some files
               from  his  computer  and  I  began  doing  what  Paul  commanded,  to  examine  the
               teachings carefully. What I found was that there was much truth in the teachings he
               held to, but there was also leaven present, and the leaven needed to be removed.

               I did not go looking for this encounter. The Father brought it to me, and He wanted
               me to look at this issue. I have since found that there are a lot of people who call
               themselves name-keepers, and many have their own distinct beliefs that keep them
               separated from one another. One thing that I noted is that those who are name-
               keepers often think they are the only group with the truth of God, and everyone else
               are heretics. Some of these groups unabashedly declare that their group is the only
               group approved of God, and the only ones who are truly saved. This, of course, is

               This issue of using the divine names of God as recorded in scripture was something
               the Father wanted me to look into. I had long been interested in it, but I had not
               taken the time to really dig into it. When I was still a teenager I began to go through
               my King James Version of the Bible and write down the actual name or title as
               recorded in the original Hebrew in every verse beginning with Genesis 1:1. I would
               look  the  name  up  in  my  Strong's  Concordance  and  write  it  above  the  word
               substituted  by  the  translators.  This  was  a  daunting  task,  however,  and  I  never
               finished it. The name Yahweh alone occurs 6,828 times in the Old Testament.

               I was ready and eager to look into this matter when this man broached the subject
               with me. I took all that he gave me and read it, comparing every statement with
               scriptures, and praying earnestly that the Father would lead me into truth regarding
               the use of divine names. The Father was faithful and the Spirit revealed many things
               to me during this study. The conclusions of this study can be found in an article titled
               "The  Usage  of  Divine  Names"  which  is  freely  available  at  the  website

               There is some profound truth in what these groups taught, namely that the actual
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