Page 81 - The Road from Babylon to Zion
P. 81
baptized in the name of Jesus, God, or Lord. This man was re-baptized after he
learned the names of Yahweh and Yahshua, and he suggested that others should be
as well. This man was friendly to me and my family as long as I was reading the
material he gave me, but when I came back and shared some of the error in the
conclusions he was espousing he became angry and did not want to talk to me
I have found this to be a pattern among those who are walking in deception. They are
often very closed to an honest examination of the scriptures, and they get angry very
quickly with those who do not come to agreement with them. In adopting this
attitude of impatience they effectively commit themselves to remaining in deception,
for they will allow no light to enter into their spirit.
This encounter was merely one of many of which the Father has brought me to in
recent years. I learned much through the encounter and, through the things the
Father revealed to me as I carefully examined what was being taught, I have been
able to help others who were dealing with the same topic. It would have been wrong,
and detrimental to my own understanding, had I simply perceived error and rejected
everything this man was saying. The Father does not want us to have this type of
knee jerk reaction to the things we encounter. He desires that we should be diligent
and faithful in our examination of prophecies and teachings.
We should not be frightened by teachings that are new to us, nor fear that we will be
swept away into deception. Those who are faithful will be led into truth by the Spirit.
People who are deceived are that way for a reason. I have found that there are three
things that particularly open people up to deception and error. Bitterness, a failure
to walk in the truth that has been given, and rebellion against the governmental
order of God will all open the saint up to deception.
I know of one brother who has a website with many teachings, and he has a small
following of people. For a time he was given many revelations from the Father that
were quite profound. However, a root of bitterness was present in this man’s life and
this led to the defiling of his ministry. I have watched as his teachings have strayed
off into greater degrees of error and deception until he is now declaring that he is the
Elijah for the last days, and that he is also the true apostle that replaces Judas.
Such claims should be patently absurd to the saints, but there are a small number of
people who have gotten caught up in his deception and who believe his words. I
visited with this man in his home, and he has a precious family. Later, when I tried
to show him from scripture how his claims could not be true, he became angry and
refused to discuss the issues with me, declaring that my attitude was wrong toward
him and that I was attacking him. Again, an unwillingness to faithfully examine the
scriptures was present and has resulted in this man being hardened against the truth