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including those administered by psychiatrists.

               One must also question the objectivity of these two individuals who were behind these studies.
               Evelyn Hooker was not an impartial clinician. Her chosen companions while at UCLA were
               homosexuals. Her friendship with these homosexual men predisposed her to seek to provide
               evidence that there was nothing abnormal about them. Dr. Alfred Kinsey, the author of the
               Kinsey reports on human sexuality, was an even less impartial source. Dr. Wiker, co-author of
               the book  Architects of the Culture of Death, provided the following information on Dr. Kinsey
               in an interview with a Catholic University website.

               Wiker: The sole purpose of Kinsey’s various studies was to legitimate any and every kind of
               sexual activity, from adultery and homosexuality, to pedophilia and bestiality. Kinsey himself
               was, from his very early youth, a sado-masochistic homosexual. His father, Alfred Sr., was a
               staunch, no-nonsense Protestant who ran the household with an iron fist. Of course, young
               Alfred hid his sexual perversions from his father, and the contradiction between his outward
               moral uprightness and his inward, hidden sexual distortions caused him great anxiety. But by the
               time he went to graduate school, Kinsey was determined to use science to eliminate this anxiety.
               How? By eliminating the distinction between natural and unnatural in regard to sexuality. He
               wanted to use science to "prove" that every sexual desire, no matter how bizarre, is natural.

               Again we see that it was a practicing sodomite that sought to legitimize a behavior that Yahweh
               condemns. Tragically, Christians have been giving honor to those who deserve no honor. Many
               Christians are as much in awe of the claims of “science,” and its flawed practitioners, as are the
               unregenerate members of society. This was observed recently when the president of Exodus
               International parroted the same lines as the enemies of Yahweh when he abandoned his
               homosexual deliverance ministry by declaring that he no longer believes it is possible for a
               homosexual to be set free from his/her same sex attraction. The error of Exodus International was
               present from its inception as it sought to use the teachings of psychiatry in its therapy sessions
               with homosexuals. Alan Chambers apologized for laying the blame for homosexuality on the
               parents. Before declaring homosexuality to be both normal and irreversible, the APA believed
               that homosexuality was caused by "close-binding" mothers, which is over-protective women who
               made their children weak and feminine, and "detached, rejecting fathers."

               Wiker goes on to explain the following about Alfred Kinsey.

               Wiker: First and foremost, Kinsey’s personal bias. As biographer James Jones points out, Kinsey
               long believed that human beings were naturally "pansexual," that is, they had no natural
               goal–such as heterosexuality–but if left to themselves in a kind of state of nature would satisfy
               their sexual desires in whatever way happened to strike their fancies. Society restricts this
               natural pansexuality, causing individuals all kinds of anxiety. Kinsey therefore believed that
               while we assume that people follow society’s sexual rules, they secretly want to act upon their
               natural pansexuality, and very often do. This deviation from social sexual rules–be it in adultery
               or homosexuality–is really not a deviation at all, but our natural, pansexuality reasserting itself.
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