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When the 1973 revision of the DSM came out, the entry for homosexuality was completely
               removed. In its place there was an entry for Ego-Dystonic Homosexuality. This was a special
               type of homosexuality that described people who were uncomfortable with their same sex
               attraction, and wanted to be cured of it. Many psychiatrists at the time were actively engaged in
               counseling homosexuals who wanted to change their behavior. By including this definition for a
               Ego-Dystonic Homosexuality, the sodomite leadership of the APA stemmed what would have
               surely been a great outcry if they had at once done away with all therapy for homosexuals. In
               1987, even this more limited description of homosexual dysfunction was removed from the
               manual. In the episode 81 Words, from the American Life program, Alix Spiegel shares the

               Today there is no entry in the DSM on homosexuality. No entry at all. In 1987, the 237 words
               that Robert Spitzer wrote about ego-dystonic homosexuality were quietly removed. Meanwhile,
               the APA turned itself upside down. In 1970, 90% of the American Psychiatric Association
               believed that homosexuality was a pathology. Today, 90% believe that it's a normal variant of
               sexual behavior. No more pathological than something like left-handedness.

               In fact, it's now considered unethical to treat homosexuality. And any psychiatrist who attempts
               to change the sexual orientation of his patient can face professional censure. If a gay person
               finds his sexual preference disturbing, if he's interested in becoming heterosexual-- and there are
               many people who fit this description-- the APA guidelines suggest that the therapist counsel his
               patient that change is impossible. He must learn to accept, embrace even.
               [Source: Ibid]

               This statement reveals the extreme pro-homosexual bias of the APA’s ruling members. They will
               not permit anyone to suggest that it is possible to change from being a homosexual to a normal
               sexual orientation. The cruelty and wickedness of the position adopted by the APA is seen in that
               there are souls who are tortured by their consciences, who are seeking to depart from a form of
               behavior that they intuitively know to be against nature, yet they are met with a stone wall of lies
               serving a pro-homosexual agenda by an organization that pretends to exist for the benefit of

               I recommend reading the entire transcript for the program 81 Words. Although Alix Spiegel is
               pro-homosexual in her views, her insider’s view of what went on at the APA to change the
               clinical definition of homosexual behavior is enlightening. The majority of the 18,000
               psychiatrists in this association did not support the changes. Following is the reaction of one
               psychiatrist to the changes that were made.

               Charles Socarides: I said holy [BLEEP]. They're changing the rules. If there's anything you
               couldn't change in this world it would be the relationship between a male and a female. They go
               together. They go together, through all of evolution, right up the animal kingdom, right to man.
               And now they're saying, it's just as natural to mate with the same sex as it is with the opposite
               sex. What will psychiatry think? What will medicine think? What will pediatric think? They will
               think we've gone insane.
               [Source: Ibid]
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