Page 32 - Push Back
P. 32

Despite the fact that cigarette smoking is the cause of lung cancer, emphysema, high blood
               pressure, and a host of other maladies, this did not prevent doctors with a personal interest from
               advocating the “benefits” and “healthiness” of cigarette smoking. Offer a man who loves money
               a substantial financial reward, and he will betray the Hippocratic oath to “do no harm.” Millions
               of people worldwide have died horrendous deaths, gasping for breath, experiencing a sense of
               suffocating, being in terror of dying, because doctors told them for decades that cigarette
               smoking was healthy.

               There was no science behind the claims that cigarette smoking is harmless, even as there is no
               science to support the contention that homosexual behavior is normal and harmless. People need
               to discern that adding the title “Doctor” to a person’s name is no guarantee that the individual’s
               advice will be either accurate, helpful, or harmless. No man’s opinion should be beyond scrutiny.
               Those who fail to exercise due diligence in testing what they are being told by “professionals”
               and “experts” will suffer the consequences of their gullibility.
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