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P. 39

Sudden Destruction at the Central Lutheran Church

               I am reminded of Christ, when He entered the Temple in Jerusalem and overturned the tables of
               the merchants and money changers. The Lutheran Church is the same church that George Tiller,
               America’s largest abortion provider, was a member of until a gunman entered the Lutheran
               Church in Kansas City and shot him dead. Not only was George Tiller a member, but he was a
               deacon in the Lutheran church.

               This storm also damaged an independent music store in Minneapolis that bore the very unusual
               name the Electric Fetus. The windows were blown out and the roof collapsed while stores on
               either side of it remained undamaged.

               Electric Fetus

               I am persuaded that the Lord is declaring in this event that there are two core issues for which He
               is bringing swift judgment to the Lutheran Church. One is for her tolerance, and even support of,
               abortion. The other is for her present actions to sanction homosexuality within the church. The
               following item revealing the agenda of this Lutheran convention was found on the Catholic News
               Agency site.
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